Act I, Scene II

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Thousands of miles away, at a rest stop, Iris Studwell had just opened her eyes to find herself in a gumball machine. She looked around and saw every fairy in Fairy World...minus Jorgen.

Iris thought, a bit scared, 'Wait, why are we here again?'

Wanda broke her thoughts and questioned, "Where are we? The last thing I remember was Jorgen pulling us out of Timmy and Trixie's trilogy wish."

Cosmo replied, "And the last thing I remember was you remembering Jorgen pulling us out of Timmy and Trixie's trilogy wish."

Poof whispered, "I don't like this..."

Cupid groaned, "Ah...we're in a gumball machine...again!"

The Tooth Fairy was worried as she stated, "I hope we're sugarless this time."

Iris rolled her eyes in annoyance and thought, 'Great, we're in trouble again and she's worried that we're not sugarless...again!'

Cosmo spoke up, "Wow! We are in the same machine again!"

Juandissimo commented, "I still think I am more of a fireball than a gumball. At least we're not at the bottom like Binky is again."

Binky groaned, "Hi guys..."

Iris was determined to leave but she knew that she didn't have her wand nor hands to wave it with.

The Tooth Fairy stated, "At least we're safe."

Just then, a large ginger kid with glasses started banging on the glass.

Cosmo yelled out, "Not safe!"

The kid put a quarter in the machine and got Binky, who began panicking.

Every fairy groaned, "Oh no...not again... He got Binky!"

"I said it before and I'll say it again! I don't want to be a gumball!" Binky cried before he was viciously masticated.

The fairies screamed out, "Ah, the horror!" If that wasn't bad enough for the fairies, the kid held in his hands enough quarters to buy everyone. Again they screamed, "Ah, the quarters!"


Madelyn was hanging onto Jorgen as tight as she could. Jorgen was turning the motorcycle every which way so they could avoid the Eliminators.

As Madelyn was clutching onto Jorgen for dear life, Jorgen realized that this girl was seriously scared out of her mind. He didn't blame her; for he knew that if she got hurt, it would be really bad.

Jorgen was able to using his fairy magic, tap into Madelyn's memories and past. From what he saw, Madelyn had no childhood to speak nor to stand on seeing that she was forced at a very young age to grow up quickly so she could help her mother.

This being the case, Madelyn really didn't have much of a social life. She did have friends but she couldn't go over to their houses, mainly because the instant she was invited, the instant she would have the magic of guilt on her. Jorgen felt bad for her but the words that he heard next stung more.



Madelyn, at the age of 7, was seeing a doctor. Her father along with her mother was in the room with her. As the doctor came back into the room, holding a clipboard; Madelyn became very afraid of the man in the white coat.

That's when her father asked, practically knowing the answer, "Well, doctor?"

"I'm afraid that we were right, Mr. Whyte," the doctor answered, sadly, "When Madelyn has a child of her own, she will pass down the gene of the disease, providing that it is a girl."

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