Act I, Scene III

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Madelyn was going on the thruway as fast as she could. Jorgen's fairy cycle was fast but it just wasn't simply fast enough for her. That's when she saw a sign that said, 'Welcome to Ohio'. Madelyn groaned. At this rate, she wouldn't make to Las Vegas in time. She would need a faster ride...but she didn't have her car.

She grimaced, 'I need to get a different ride...' That's when a black van pulled up alongside her, asking her to pull over. Madelyn rolled her eyes. She groaned as she thought, 'Just my luck.' Madelyn pulled over, the black van pulling over with her. Before she could try and explain herself to the police officer, he grabbed her wrist and dragged her into the van.

She protested, kicking a little bit, "Hey, where the hell are you taking me?!"


Minutes later, Madelyn found herself in Texas at the MERF HQ. She was in front of two agents, completely dressed in black suits and black sunglasses. One was white skinned and one was dark skinned.

Mr. Barbara (the dark skinned agent) looked at her and commented, "You're in a lot of trouble, missy, because according to our records, you have no records! You don't exist!"

Mr. Hanna (the white skinned agent) stated, "And that's why you're at the Military Extra Terrestrial Facility, MERF for short."

Madelyn showed her license to them and asked, "Then how do you explain my driver's license?"

Mr. Hanna took it, examined it for five seconds before giving it back to Madelyn as he explained, "Simple. A forgery. You obliviously printed it up in your alien lab."

Madelyn groaned and tried her hardest not to smack her forehead. This was just not her day. She put her license away, trying not to loose her temper.

She groaned lowly, "Damn it, listen to me... I am not an alien..."

Mr. Barbara demanded, showing her some pictures, "Well then, what do you make of these?"

She picked one of them and gasped, "Wait a minute...the Eliminators are back!?"

Mr. Hanna threatened Madelyn, glaring at her, "Now, I suggest you confess now before we freeze-dry and dissect you!"

Madelyn shouted, "I...Am...Not...An...Alien!"

Mr. Barbara asked, while pulling out a laser, "What do you think this is...a damned joke? Do you think we're idiots? Cause I tell you, they don't give neuron stun rays to idiots."

Mr. Hanna also pulled out a laser and added, "Or a laser able to cut through concrete five feet thick."

Mr. Barbara pulled out a set of keys and concluded, "And you sure don't get a cool car filled with spy equipment unless you know what you're doing."

What the agents didn't know was that while they celebrated, Madelyn escaped with all the gadgets and drove away in the spy car.

Madelyn commented to herself, "Now that I got faster wheels, I get to MARF way faster!"


At a truck stop, the crimson-eyed Eliminator and his subordinates (now wearing pink shirts) were sitting down when an old waitress approached them from behind the counter.

The waitress asked, "What'll it be, folks?"

"Do you have any uranium," the crimson-eyed Eliminator asked. The waitress said no, which infuriated the robot.

"We'll have the chicken fingers," a second Eliminator said. The waitress wrote it on her notepad and went into the kitchen.

"You guys look stupid," the crimson-eyed eliminator said to his subordinates.

One of them spoke up, "That's because you're stupid!"

One robot who had a drink in his hands created a dark vortex in his mouth, which sucked up not only the drink, but half of the truck stop!

The leader reprimanded, "Use a straw, will you?"

At that moment, a male reporter was on the TV reporting. "This is Convenient News Network. I'm Rob Duh, that an unknown woman named Madelyn Whyte is on her way to Las Vegas. But just like all of the stars being gone from the sky, the government assures us that we have nothing to worry about!"

"Let's go to Las Vegas," the top Eliminator said to his underlings.

As they flew off, the waitress came back in to see the destroyed truck stop. One of the lesser Eliminators came back for the chicken and asked the waitress for some ranch dressing, causing her to scream. The Eliminator flew off again.


While Madelyn was driving, she was seriously hoping that all of the fairies were okay. Before Madelyn could finish that thought, two gumballs attached to a bubble hit the windshield. One was pink and one was purple but that wasn't the weird part. They both had crowns, eyes, noses, and mouths, and they were freaking out!

Madelyn also freaked out pulled over to the side of the road. Madelyn got out and peeled off the gum. She looked perplexed.  Cupid and Iris, however, were in full panic mode.

Madelyn started to say, "Uh..."

Cupid slowly asked, "W - who are you...?"

Madelyn was surprised that the gum was talking to her as she answered, "Madelyn Whyte..."

"I'm Iris Studwell," Iris introduced, being cautious. "And this is Cupid."

"Are you...fairies?" Madelyn asked.

Cupid questioned, raising an eyebrow, "Wait a minute, how do you know about fairies?"

Madelyn explained, "Because I know Jorgen Von Strangle and he sent me on this mission."

"And what is the mission," Iris asked, her curiosity peeking.

Madelyn got out of the car and told them, as gently as she could, "Not sure if this going to make any damned sense but...the Darkness is back!"

"The Darkness is back again?!" The fairies repeated, in shock.

The shock was so great that it made Cupid pop! Madelyn caught the two fairies.

She told them, "And you guys need to come with me to get the ancient white wand...cause I'm this dimension's Chosen One!"

"You've got to be kidding me," Cupid moaned.

"You're like Timmy Turner," Iris asked, surprised.

"I guess so," Madelyn answered, shrugging in confusion a bit.

"Well, if that's the case," Cupid responded, "We best take off for Vegas before the Eliminators find you."

"Right," Madelyn agreed.

With that, she got back into the car after getting the fairies back to a somewhat normal state. Madelyn drove off totally unaware that the Eliminators were right on her tail...again.


Wishmaker1028: Well, that's the end of this chapter! The next chapter: the chase scene! Oh and the agents names are a tribute to Hanna-Barbara...the creators of several cartoons, including Scooby Doo. Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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