Act III, Scene II

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Back in space, the Head Eliminator finally had enough. Much like its previous form, it wondered why the Darkness wanted this young girl so much. Granted, she was rather pretty but why would its master want her so badly? That's when it had enough. It flew out of its master.

The Darkness cried out, "Where the hell are you going?"

The Head Eliminator didn't answer; it just headed for Earth.


In Fairy World, the fairies were pushing a large wooden wheel and a sad song was playing.

Juandissimo told Cassie, "Man, this song is still depressing."

Cassie nodded and then asked, "And what will happen again if we stop pushing this giant wheel anyways?"

They stopped pushing the giant wooden wheel and that stopped the giant wheel and the record player stops playing, stopping the sad music.

One of the Eliminators reported, "No sign of Madelyn Whyte or the Head Eliminator in Fairy World but if they are on Earth, our best team will find them."

As soon as he had said that, he called another Eliminator, who was in Hawaii.

The Eliminator reported, "Still no sign of Madelyn Whyte or the Head Eliminator. But we will continue our exhaustive search." He hung up on him and took a sip of his fruity umbrella drink. He turned to another Eliminator and asked, "Any sign of Madelyn Whyte or the Head Eliminator?"

The other Eliminator was buried in the sand and reported after finishing his own fruity umbrella drink, "Well, they aren't in this fruity umbrella drink."

The other Eliminator said, "We should look for them in more of these." He turned to the waitress and ordered, "We need fruitier umbrella drinks."

The waitress reported, "Coming right up."


Meanwhile, our heroes were back together, with weapons that Madelyn had wished up. That's when Madelyn spoke up.

She told everyone, "Okay troops the damned Darkness is still out there and as the Chosen One; we should be able to defeat it if we work together."

Tom stated, "I think we should have a team go to Fairy World, a team to go with you to find the last wand, and a team to go to Yugopotomia."

Victor replied, "I actually agree with your pops on that on, Madelyn."

Cobalion added, "Especially since the Darkness will be here soon."

"Personally, if you ask me, we should ask that Madison a thing or two." David suggested.

"I told you that she doesn't know anymore than anyone else here." Jorgen snarled.

David was startled by this as was Madelyn. 'What got into him?' Madelyn thought. Nacey decided to clear the air by clearing her throat. Everyone looked at her.

"Regardless of that, Madison hasn't been seen since her failed attempt at getting the second wand." Nacey reported.

Madelyn spoke up, "Speaking of that, she called herself a Red Scarlet. Does that mean she's not human?"

While Jorgen and Tom paled, the others looked as confused as Madelyn did. Even Nacey, whom had been to multiple dimensions before.

Allison explained, "Well, no, I'm not sure about that part." She got on the computer as she started to type. She added, "In fact, I did some research on Red Scarlet's. But very little is known about them."

Candice teased, "Maybe cause Madison was too snobby for them all."

To that, Madelyn giggled.

Allison replied, "Well, snobby or not, I did fine out this. Red Scarlet's used to live freely among people. They were a race of female energy beings that did the job first and social lives second."

Madelyn responded, "Sounds a lot like Madison."

Allison told her, "Anyways, legend has it that one day, a mortal had found where they were living. He was about to take them all out, in fear, when a Red Scarlet stopped him. The two fell in love, breaking all of the rules. Both the mortals and the Red Scarlet's freaked out, cursing the Red Scarlet's linage for as long as she lived."

Candice repeated, "Cursed? For real?"

Allison nodded as she explained, "And there aren't anymore details of what happened or anything like that..."

Madelyn replied, "I wonder if that's why Madison kept calling me 'small fry'."

Allison shrugged and before another word was spoken, something caught their attention. The Head Eliminator busted through the ceiling.

He told them, "I will be the one to defeat the Darkness after I get rid of all of you."

Jorgen got his wand ready and told it, "Think again, Jerkanitor."

Madelyn tried to warn him, "No, Jorgen! Wait, you dumb ass!" Too late for that as the Eliminator took Jorgen's wand. That's when she explained, groaning a bit, "They can capture any weapons and use it against us."

Nacey yelled at her fairy friend, "Haven't I told you to thinking things through!"

At that moment, Madelyn wished, "I wish the Eliminator was gone!"

With a wave of their wands, the Top Eliminator was gone but only a split second.

He reappeared and told them, "And I wish I wasn't." He pointed at Jorgen with his newly acquired wand and added, "And I wish you had rocket glutinous."

With a 'poof', Jorgen had rocket glutinous as he started to say, "Okay, that's actually kind of cool but..."

Jorgen screamed, Nacey grabbed onto him to try and get him to stop from being blasted off and ended up being blasted off with him. The Top Eliminator pointed his wand at her Dad, friends, enemies, and alien and poofed them into the Darkness.

The Top Eliminator turned to Madelyn and added, "And now for you."

That's when Madelyn wished, "I wish we were out of here!" With a 'poof', Madelyn's wish was granted and four of them poofed to safety.

The Top Eliminator commented, "Man, that girl is hard to destroy." He flew out of the cave, scaring the mailman, and wished, "I wish I had a Madelyn Whyte tractor." With a 'poof', his wish was granted and he got a tracker and the tracker went beep and beep. He added, "Cool."


Wishmaker1028: Well, that's the end of this chapter! Hope you all enjoyed! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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