Chapter 1:

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Today was the worst day in the history of my life. It started during my elective Drama Club. Which, we are doing a little project. It may seem strange that I'm in Drama Club even though I don't speak much, but the teacher allows me to help her out by thinking of the next play we'll do, which role each person will play, what they will wear and what props we'll need. I MUST have missed something, because as I approached, the teacher, Mrs. Keller, welcomed me with open arms.

"Miranda!" She said, embracing me. "You know, you've been in Drama Club for QUITE a while. I've been thinking and well, it's a new semester and you've been such a great help, truly you have, but I think it's time you participate and act with the rest of the class!" She looked at me, hope in her eyes.

I looked at her, astonishment taking over me. "I-I... Mrs. Keller, don't you think you could've at least spoken to me about this?"

"I was so excited, I wanted to tell you, but we wanted it to remain a surprise!" She said, the excitement bringing her energy.

"We? Who's we?" I asked.

"We, Clarissa and I." Mrs. Keller announced, pride bringing a smile to her face.

Clarissa, I should've known! Clarissa has been my enemy since the 6th grade.

We used to be best friends, until I found an interest in Luke. When she found out, she was furious with me, because I had told no one, not even her. Instead I told my friend Carmen, who, at the time, was so nosy she told Clarissa. We fought with each other, for she had feelings for Luke as well. Finally, we parted our ways, and I had despised her since. Of course she would suggest such a request, she wanted to do anything it took to make me miserable and embarrassing.

"And the best thing," Mrs. Keller continued. "Is that we have new students for this semester, so I expect you to befriend them and include them."

As if on cue, a swarm of new faces crowded the room. I looked around and found Carmen. She stood out of the crowd, beautiful and radiant. She was the smartest kid as far as I know, yet we always seem to get the same grades. She gets a B+, so do I. She gets an average GPA of 4.0, so do I. But no one cares what I get, and I have nothing to say. Most people focus on her, and I don't blame them, I can see why. 

She wears hundreds of lush strands of hair, the darkest of browns it has a black shade to it. Her hair brings out her hazel green eyes, which give her a bright pop. I'd say most boys fall for her at first sight, though they don't admit it, because everyone knows she's the kind of girl who just "has no time for boys" and "just wants to focus on school and be with friends". She's the kind of girl who would stand up for her friends, defend an innocent victim, and correct others' mistakes. Some people didn't know WHY she chose to be my best friend.

"I guess you're just lucky." She would say. She smiled at me as she approached me.

Before I could greet her, my heart skipped a beat, as I saw Luke enter the room. He was the 'cool' kid at school, the most popular and most recognized. His light blonde hair and blue eyes gave him that attractive look. At first sight, I could point him out of a crowd. He doesn't know of my feelings for him, which is lucky for me. As long as he doesn't know, he won't think it uncomfortable to be around me.

"Guess who entered the Drama Club JUST as she promised?" Carmen asked, changing my thoughts.

"Said the girl who, in the 6th grade, couldn't keep her mouth shut after I made her promise to say nothing! I can't BELIEVE you came!" I said amazed.

Before she could make up an excuse, Mrs. Keller spoke. "Ladies, gentlemen." She said. "Since we have our new semester students, I will be announcing the new acting groups and their directors. Clarissa Johnson, you will be directing for your group. The actors of your group will be Miranda Ross" At this, I groaned. "Carmen Martinez," Carmen and I squealed in excitement, we're going to be acting, together! "and Luke Jacobs." At this, my heart stopped. Fear surged through me, and I couldn't contain my emotions. I walked out of the room and stood in the hallway. Confused, Carmen came after me.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Don't you see!?" I said, inhaling and exhaling deeply. "It's enough I'm in the same class as Luke, but now I have to be in the same GROUP as him!? I'm going to have to act out a scene with Luke as my co-star and Clarissa as my director! This is horrible!"

"It's not that bad..." She said, sympathy in her voice.

"Speak for yourself. She's going to make me have the most EMBARRASSING part and she's going to make Luke think I'm crazy!" I sat down, and put my head in my hands.

"Okay, I have to admit its bad... But I'll still be there. I'll help you get the part right, and I'll make SURE she gives you the best part." I smiled, if there was one thing I loved about Carmen, it's that she's always there for me.


Hey people of Wattpad! This is my first book, so I apologize for any spelling mistakes! If you like my book as it unfolds, make sure to comment and/or vote! Also, if you don't mind, share it with your friends! Just so you know, this book may take a while until it unfolds, but I promise you it'll get better!

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