Chapter 19:

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Once Carmen left, Ms. Smith arrived and opened her classroom. I saw her roll her eyes at Carmen's disappearing figure. Rude, or not? I looked back and saw I wasn't the only one waiting for Ms. Smith. About fifteen other students were serving detention with Ms. Smith. Then I realized that Alyssa was one of them.

I smiled at her and she smiled back. Alyssa was nice and all, but she had a bitch like attitude so if you ever messed with her, she got you so fast you didn't know what happened. Alyssa had detention often, so I wasn't surprise she was serving detention that day.

We entered the classroom and Alyssa and I sat next to each other. Ms. Smith moved to the front, explained the assignment, and placed a stack of papers on each of our desks.

Alyssa and I exchanged looks. Really? We asked each other. We have to do THIS? We were to do two essays, one about what we did to get detention and how we 'regret' what we did, the next about any book we had previously read, and the rest of the papers were tests, homework, and class assignments we had to correct. As if Ms. Smith didn't have the time!

Alyssa looked around then whispered to me.

"Hey," she said. "What did you get in for?"

"What," I asked, with a tone of laughter and amusement. "Am I in prison or something?"

"Well," Alyssa replied. "More or less..." I laughed. "I mean have you seen how the teachers just watch you? This could be more of an abandoned prison!" She cleared her throat. "Anyway, what did you do?"

"I...I slapped Clarissa..."

"There's my girl!" Alyssa cheered. "You gave her the slap she deserved! Now that I think about it, how I got here was much lamer, and I come often!" Alyssa began to talk about what she did to get detention, but I didn't listen. I was too busy thinking about how to get OUT of detention!

"...iranda...anda..." I heard her say. "Miranda? Did you hear what I said?"

"Hmmm?" I asked, collecting myself. "Oh! I just didn't hear the part where you got in here!"

"So you didn't here anything!" Alyssa said accusingly. Once again, I zoned out. What if I just ask Ms. Smith, I thought. NO, won't work, or would it? It was worth a shot, it wouldn't do any harm if it didn't work but take a little of my time.

I looked around and finally got the nerve to raise my hand. Ms. Smith looked at me and came to my desk.

"Yes?" Ms. Smith asked.

"I have a...somewhere to go to." I said. Ms. Smith laughed at me cruelly.

"Well, you have to serve your time in detention don't you?"

"Yes," I agreed and she began to walk away. "But it's a play I have to go to!" I blurted, grabbing everyone's attention, including Ms. Smith, who looked at me questioningly. I sank deeper into my seat. "I mean, if I don't go my grade will drop."

"Well," Ms. Smith replied. "You should have thought about that before you got yourself into trouble shouldn't you have?" And she began to walk away. I marched straight up to her and looked her in the eyes.

"I can't get my grade down!" I said fiercely. "I'm the main character, and they, Mrs. Keller won't be happy to know you wouldn't let me go! Now unless you release me I am not going to cooperate!" My eyes turned from fierce to pleading.

"Please," I said quietly. "Can't you make an exception? Just this once?"

A moment passed as Ms. Smith pondered, and I thought she was going to make me sit down or worse, give me a Friday Detention. But instead, she laughed.

"You've finally broken out of your shell haven't you?" She said. "You're a good student, and I know bad grades aren't your thing. So I'll make an exception, JUST THIS ONCE, okay?"

I didn't think she was serious until she said, more sternly, "Now hurry along! You got a play to go to! Hurry, before I change my mind!" I walked out and I could hear the voices of the students going, "I have a play to go to too!" I laughed and made my way to the play.

I know what you're thinking, That's it? She let you go like that? But hey, there are LAME ways to get out of trouble too! Now, DON'T JUDGE ME!

Anyway, I arrived to the gym where the stage was at. I went backstage and got ready when I heard a voice.

"Me? Beautiful? Ha!" It was Carmen.

"Not part of the script," someone murmured. Clarissa.

Confused, I pulled out my phone and called Carmen. Okay, maybe I could've walked towards her, but I didn't want to interrupt whatever play was going on. Maybe, they were practicing before the play? I called Carmen, but she didn't answer. I tried again but STILL no answer. She ALWAYS answers! Unless...

"I should've know!" Clarissa screamed. "Loraine wasn't trying to scare me she was trying to WARN me!"

"I have..." Another voice spoke, Luke. "No idea what you mean..."

I looked at the stage and sure enough, OUR play was taking place! I looked at the time. It was only 3:17! They were doing it early, unless...

"Well you can have her!" Clarissa screamed and I heard the impact of the slap.

Then, as I was about to stop it, Clarissa brought her lips to Luke's, smashing her face with his. My whole being stopped as if time itself had stopped. No...

Luke pulled away without a second hesitation but I didn't care. I was late to the play, and my grade would go down because of it.

Luke looked around and saw me, and for a second, our eyes locked. But I wasn't the one to look away, it was Luke. I remembered what he had mouthed to me in that second that our eyes were locked. "Why didn't you come?"

"Luke," I whispered. He looked back at me and then looked away again. In his eyes I saw disappointment. He had been waiting for me! He...had been waiting for me? Could it be that he was longing for my kiss, just as much as I was longing for his?

He began to walk away, but not wanting him to leave, I struggled to go after him.

"Luke," I said louder. "Luke!" Finally I caught up to him. "I can explain..." I said to him, but he shook me off.

"You weren't here," he said, hurt in his voice. Seriously? I was wide eyed and didn't know what to say. AGAIN, he began to walk away, and it clicked in my brain that he was walking away and I went after him, but Clarissa stood in my way.

"Luke!" I said after him. "Let me explain, please!" Instead, he left the gym without looking back.

"Didn't you hear him?" Clarissa said. "He doesn't want to talk to you. Because you 'weren't here'!"

I looked her in the eye, and said, "Get out of my way! This was your plan. To get me detention!"

"Well," Clarissa said, pretending to think. "I WAS planning to do thing differently but the slap was MUCH better! You see, I wanted you to get after school detention so you would miss the play. But DAMN IT, he still wants YOU!"

Clarissa pushed me, and I fell to the ground. I looked up at her, my anger building up and stood myself up. I was about to tackle her, strangle her, or SOMETHING, when she left and I was alone in the gym. I sighed. What is up with her?

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