Chapter 2:

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We re-entered the class, I ducking my head down and sitting next to Carmen. Luckily, we hadn't missed anything.

"The director will be creating and, of course, directing the performance you actors will be doing." She explained. "I expect each of my actors to have a part that fits and works for them. If they do not cooperate, please let me know. You will be performing at the end of the semester, sometime in the second to last week of school. The papers with your expectations will be handed out." She turned to Luke. "Would you mind passing these out?"

"Not at all Mrs. Keller." Luke replied, a smile on his face.

Before I could think, Luke came around. He handed Carmen a paper, and then he handed me one.

"Thank you." I whispered softly.

"What?" He asked, confused. I could've punched him if he was teasing me.

"I said," I began to say, clearing my throat. "Thanks?"

I took hold of my paper, and as I took it to read it, I gripped the rest of the stack and sent them flying through the air.

"Nice job, Butter fingers!" Clarissa teased.

I scrambled to gather the papers, and as I picked one up, I bumped my head on a desk, hurting my head. "Ow..." I whispered fiercely, clutching my head with my hand.

Luke came again and got the papers from me.

"You okay?" He asked nervously.

"Yeah. I'm fine..." I whispered and scurried to my desk. When I got there, I picked up my paper to my cover my face. I was so embarrassed! To gather my thoughts, I began reading the expectations:

You and your group will be graded on how

well you follow the following expectations:

1. How well did each team mate participate and contribute to the performance?

1. How clear were the characters and setting pointed out?

2. How clear was the conflict of the story pointed out?

3. How clear was the theme of the performance pointed out?

4. How long was the performance? (No more than 10 minutes)

5. How well did you overall perform?

I could tell Clarissa had just finished reading #3, because NEXT THING YOU KNOW she's standing up and saying, "We have to have a theme for our performance!? What's the fun in making a play if you have to teach people a lesson!?"

"Calm down Clarissa!" Mrs. Keller said as Clarissa sat back down. "I only meant IF you're performance has a theme to it. You don't have to have one. But, if there is a theme to your performance, I will consider it extra credit."

A chatter hopped through the room, some people considering the extra credit, others, like Clarissa, were too lazy.

"I'm not going to go through all the trouble to have a theme for my performance just for extra credit! I don't have time for that!" Clarissa said.

"All right Clarissa, that's enough." Mrs. Keller said in a stern voice. Clarissa sat down, making a face. "Now, I will give you 30 minutes to get comfortable with your groups and start discussing your ideas for the play."

We all scrambled, some bumping into one another, others being pushed so far they joined others' group. Clarissa glared at me as I approached her. Carmen glared back at Clarissa for me, to show she'd be there to ensure a good part. I sat down, Clarissa on my right, and Carmen on my left. Clarissa then turned away when she saw Luke.

"Luke! Come," she said, yanking me out of my chair and forcing me to sit on the other side of Carmen. He gave a slightly confused look, as if he didn't like what she did. "Sit here!" She said, forcing him to think elsewhere. He sat down, and I had to push down the jealousy boiling in my stomach. "Now," she said, looking him in the eye. "Let's work on our play, shall we?"

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