Chapter 4:

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The following day, we had Drama Club again. We were to start rehearsing our scenes. We had 23 days, three weeks, until we performed and 40 minutes each day. Today, we were going to adapt to our character and do a run through, then we were to see how we can improve our acting.

"Okay!" Clarissa said. "Let's run through this. Scene 1, Luke, we're going to have you stand here," She said, pointing to where he would stand. "Carmen, you will stand here." She pointed to Carmen's spot, where we would pretend is her locker. "And Miranda, you stand over here," She said as she dragged me to my spot. I was standing on the other end of the stage, maybe 15 feet away from Luke. She then handed me some books to carry so that, when Luke and I bump into each other, I'd drop them.

I walked across the stage towards Luke, as he walked towards me. "Come on," Clarissa yelled. "Walk FASTER!!!" At that point, we ran until we collided. No I mean we ACTUALLY collided.

I rubbed my head and tried to keep myself standing. I struggled, and my balance was tipping. "You have to recover QUICKLY when you guys bump into each other!" Clarissa impatience in her voice. "You don't want the audience to wait, do you?"

I was the first to speak in the scene, but my head throbbed with pain and I forgot my line. "Say your line Miranda! Say your line!" Carmen said.

" 'Oh my gosh,' " I whispered, the apology sincere. " 'I'm so sorry.' "

"That's okay, hey, don't worry," Luke said, as he glanced at the fallen books. " 'Here let me help you.' " I watched as Luke picked up my books, forgetting that I was supposed to be helping him out.

"Be a lady Miranda!" Clarissa said as she let out a deep sigh. "I pity her future boyfriend, if she has any."

I glared at her, as I picked up the last book lying on the floor. OH WELL, I thought. THE SHOW MUST GO ON NO MATTER WHAT THE COMMENTS.

"Wait..." I said.

"Ugh, what is it Miranda!?" Clarissa demanded.

"Well... it's just that..." I stopped, looking at Luke.

"Go on Miranda, we don't have all day!" Clarissa said, impatient.

"Well, it's just that, Luke and I were like 15 feet away..."

"And?" Clarissa said, cutting me off.

"I-I mean, that... well you know..." I stopped speaking, struggling to speak to her as she looked at me.

"The audience might get bored or something." Luke finished for me. "We might be walking for an awful long time and the moment we 'bump' into each other, they might assume we would've avoided each other by then."

"Exactly!" I said, almost sounding excited. I realized my energy and calmed my self down. "That exactly what I thought." I looked at him, and Clarissa came and walked between us.

"Okay. I SUPPOSE you're right." She said to Luke. "I'll move you closer," she walked me to a new spot. Now we were probably 8 feet away. "So you'll AT LEAST be able to walk some time before you 'collide'. Now let's run through this AGAIN okay?"

We ran through it again, until it got to the point where I forgot to pick up the books. We picked them up TOGETHER this time.

" 'Thank you.' " I said, looking up at him as we stood.

" 'No problem,' " Luke said as he checked the clock. " 'Well, I have to go. Don't want to be late, I guess I'll see you around.' " Then he walked away.

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