Chapter 2

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[♫] {1}

We Had A Date

The alarm blares for the third time, Jim struggles to turn it off with the weight that's laying on top of him. Once the alarm is taken care of, he looks down at Eleanor, who is sleeping soundly on top of him, smiling at the sight he looks back at the clock for the time.

"What time is it?" a groggy voice asked, looking back at Eleanor, she lets out a big yawn before looking up at him.

"Almost twelve." He answered, pushing a lock of hair out of her face and behind her ear.

"Then we have time before our date." she smirks while saying.

"That we do." Jim gives her a smirk of his own.

Suddenly Jim is hit in the face with a pillow, causing Eleanor to laugh.

"Oh okay, that's how it is." Jim says, grabbing his own pillow, Eleanor squeals holding her pillow up to block Jim's attacks. He finally is able to wrap his arms around her waist, she tries to wiggle her way out, failing the two fall to the bed laughing.

Jim gives her a sweet kiss on the lips, which she returns whole heartily.

The two sigh at the sound of Jim's communicator ringing. Looking at the message Jim gets a confused look on his face, "What is it?" Eleanor asks after seeing the look on his face.

"It's your dad, he's calling me and Spock to a meeting."

"You don't think it's about-", "No it can't be." Jim cuts her off, grabbing his clothes from off the floor and getting dressed. "What about our date, you were really insistent on it being today." Eleanor asks, watching Jim rush around getting ready.

"I know, I'll be back before we have to leave for dinner." Jim goes over to her, leaning down and kissing her on the forehead, "Okay?".

"Okay." She says back, Jim then rushes to the door, "I love you!" Eleanor yells to him from the bedroom.

"Love you too!"

Eleanor sighs, sitting back in bed looking at the window.

"I've got a bad feeling about this.".

AN: Sorry this one is so short, but I wanted to add something to show the growth of Jim and Eleanor's relationship.

✴TRUST✴  // Jim Kirk [2]Where stories live. Discover now