Chapter 7

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Deja Vu

"Captain. I'm so sorry about Admiral Pike." Uhura says, walking next to Jim towards the lift.

"We all are." he says, dismissively.

"How is Eleanor doing?" Uhura asks, not having the opportunity to speak with her friend yet, she's worried. Jim pauses for a moment, a slight look of shock on his face.

"I don't know, I haven't asked." he says, quietly while looking down, how could he have not asked, 'Because you were to busy being an ass to her.'.

"Are you okay?" Uhura asks.

"Fine, thank you, Lieutenant." Jim says, pulling himself together, climbing into the lift with Uhura following.

It was quiet for a moment, before Jim spoke up "Actually, Scotty just quit, Eleanor yelled at me and your boyfriend's second-guessing me every chance he gets.", Jim sighs then continuing "I'm sorry, that was inappropriate. It's just sometimes I want to rip the bangs off his head. You know, maybe it's me. I-" Jim is cut off by Uhura.

"It's not you." she says, in a cold tone, this makes Jim whip his head around to look over at her.

"It's not?" Jim asks, before a realization comes over him, he lets out a small gasp "Wait, are you guys, are you guys fighting?"

"I'd rather not talk about it, sir."

"Oh, my God. What is that even like?" Jim asks, just as the doors to the lift open, revealing Spock standing on the other side. Uhura doesn't even spare him a glance, simply walking past him and towards Eleanor; giving her arm a comforting squeeze, before sitting at her station.

"Your ears burning?" Jim says to Spock on his way to his chair.

"Captain on the bridge!" Chekov announces.

Jim heads over to Chekov, leaning down he whispers to him "Mister Chekov. You've been shadowing Mister Scott. You are familiar with the engineering systems of this ship?".

"Affirmative, sir." Chekov answers, with a nod.

"Good. You're my new Chief. Go put on a red shirt." Jim says, giving him a pat on the back.

"Aye, Captain." Chekov says, nervously. 

 Jim then walks over to the captains chair, taking a seat in it, he looks to his left and sees Eleanor at her station, typing away at her screens.

Looking away, he sighs, "Retract all moorings, Mister Sulu.".

"Yes, sir.".

"Lieutenant Uhura, open a shipwide channel." Jim says.

"Yes, sir." Uhura says.

"Mister Chekov, how are we looking down there?" Jim says, through the comm.

"All systems nominal, Captain." Chekov answers, sounding a little nervous.

"Copy that.".

"Warp available at your command.".

"Thank you, Mister Chekov." Jim says, then closing the comm.

"All right. Let's ride." Jim says to Sulu.

"Yes, sir." Sulu answers, putting the ship into warp.

"Lieutenant, open another shipwide channel." Jim says.

Uhura flips some switches, "Channel open, sir." she says.

"Attention, crew of the Enterprise. As most of you know, Christopher Pike, former captain of this ship and our friend, is dead." Jim says.

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