Chapter 1

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They Saw Us, Big Deal

A figure holding some kind of scroll runs through the red forest, only to be stopped by a large beast, "AH!" the man yells as the beast roars.

Pulling out a phaser he goes to blast it, "Wait Jim!" a new figure appeared trying to stop him, but was too late. The beast falls to the ground unconscious, a third figure comes out, pulling down his hood, revealing Bones "Damn it, man, that was our ride! You stunned our ride!".

The first figure then pulls down his own hood, revealing Jim "Oh, great.". The last one takes off their hood, showing Eleanor "Now what?".

Hearing Jim's pursuers approaching, he yells "Run!", with that the three start to run.

"I know we said distraction but-" Eleanor was cut off by Bones yelling "What the hell did you take?".

"I've no idea, but they were bowing to it.", Jim pulls out his communicator "Kirk to Shuttle one. Locals are out of the kill zone. You are clear. Repeat. Spock, get in there, neutralize the volcano and let's get out of here.".

"Captain, did the indigenous lifeforms see you?" They hear Spock say through the comm.

"No, Mister Spock, they did not." Jim replies.

"The Prime Directive clearly states there can be no interference with the internal developments of alien civilizations-" Spock was then cut off by Jim, "I know what it says, which is why I'm running through the jungle wearing a disguise. Now drop off your super ice cube and let's go. Kirk out!"

The locals start throwing spears at the three, doing their best to dodge. "Ah!" one just barley misses Eleanor. "They're trying to kill us!" Bones yells, taking a quick look over his shoulder, "They're trying to kill us, Jim!".

"Captain, I'm ditching the shuttle. You've got to make it to the Enterprise on your own." Sulu say through the comm.


"Wait, what did he say Jim!?" Eleanor yelled up to him, after seeing they where going the wrong way.

"Jim! Jim, the beach is that way!" Bones yells.

"I know! We're not going to the beach!" Jim yells back.

"What?!" Eleanor says, as Jim sets the scroll he had been holding, up on a branch, allowing it to unfold. As they run towards a cliff Bones yells at Jim "Oh, no, no, no! I hate this!".

"I know you do!"

"James T. Kirk, I'm gonna kill you!" is Eleanor's reply.

"I know you are!"

Then all three jump off the cliff, landing in the water they ditch the robes, now only in their wet suits, they swim towards the Enterprise, which was parked under water. After climbing into an airlock, the three wait for the water to drain, before taking off their goggles and breathing device. The door opened revealing Scotty, who didn't really look to happy with their current situation.

"Do you have any idea how ridiculous it is to hide a starship on the bottom of the ocean? We've been down here since last night. The salt water's going to ruin the-" Scotty goes off on his tangent, only to be interrupted by Jim, "Scotty, where's Spock?". 

The four run down the corridor and on to the bridge, "Lieutenant, do we have an open channel to Mister Spock?" Jim asks Uhura, as he walks to the control panel.

"The heat's frying his comms, but we still have contact." Uhura answers, trying her best not to start crying, placing a hand on her arm Eleanor tries her best to comfort her friend.

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