Chapter 18

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Where Shall We Go?

The door to the bridge opens, Jim stepping through, wearing his yellow Starfleet uniform and a grin, "Captain on the bridge." Chekov announces; Jim takes in his surroundings as he walks towards the captains chair.

"It's hard to get out of it once you've had a taste, isn't that right, Mister Sulu?" Jim says.

"Captain does have a nice ring to it. The chair's all yours, sir." Sulu replies, making his way back towards his station.

Jim opens a comm with engineering, "Mister Scott. How's our core?" he asks.

"Purring like a kitten, Captain. She's ready for a long journey." Scotty replies.

"Excellent." Jim says, just as Eleanor walks onto the bridge, he makes his way pass Bones.

"Come on, Bones! It's gonna be fun." Jim says slapping Bones on the shoulder, he then makes his way over to Carol and Eleanor.

"Doctor Marcus." Jim says, stopping whatever conversation they where having, "We're glad you could be a part of the family." he says, placing a hand at the small of Eleanor's back.

"It's nice to have a family." Carol replies with a small, slightly sad smile.

As Jim and Eleanor make their way towards the screen, Eleanor places a comforting hand on Carol's arm.

"Spock." Jim calls him over to them.

"Captain." Spock replies making his way over.

"Where shall we go?" Jim asks, holding Eleanor's hand that now adorns a beautiful ring, staring out into space.

"As a mission of this duration has never been attempted." Spock starts, turning to look at Jim he finishes "I defer to your good judgement, Captain.", then makes his way over to Uhura.

Squeezing Eleanor's hand Jim looks down at her, finding her already looking at him, "What about you, where do you think we should go?".

"I'm with Spock, it's up to you Captain." Eleanor says with a smile.

Jim smiles back and turns to Sulu, "Mister Sulu, take us out.".

"Aye, Captain."

✴TRUST✴  // Jim Kirk [2]Where stories live. Discover now