Chapter 9

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You May Have Been Right About Those Torpedoes

Eleanor walks in front of the large security team escorting Harrison to his cell.

Eleanor gestures for someone to open the cell door, once it opens she then motions for him to step in.

He complies, all the while looking at Eleanor, causing a chill to run up the girl's spine.

Closing the door behind him, she takes a step back as Bones, Jim and Spock enter the room, she falls inline with the three.

Bones steps forward, moving a small moves a circular device to create a small opening in the cell forcefield.

"Put your arm through the hole. I'm going to take a blood sample." Bones says.

Harrison again complies, rolling up his sleeve and sticks his arm through the opening. Bones steps forward and takes the sample.

Harrison finally moves his gaze from Eleanor to Jim, "Why aren't we moving, Captain? An unexpected malfunction, perhaps, in your warp core conveniently stranding you on the edge of Klingon space?" he says ominously.

"How the hell do you know that?" Bones asks, looking up from what he's doing.

"Bones." Jim says, eyes not moving from Harrison.

"I think you'd find my insight valuable, Captain." Harrison says.

Bones finishes taking the blood sample, and closes the small window once Harrison retracted his arm.

"We good?" Jim asks Bones.


"Let me know what you find." Jim says, the four turn away to leave, Bones going his own way towards the med bay, while Eleanor, Spock and Jim head towards the bridge.

"Ignore me and you will get everyone on this ship killed." Harrison calls out, making the three stop. Jim's chest puffs up with anger, Eleanor looks at him worried.

"Captain, I believe he will only attempt to manipulate you. I would not recommend engaging the prisoner further." Spock advises.

Jim takes a breath, "Give me a minute." he says to the both of them.

Eleanor and Spock share a look, before leaving.

Eleanor stops when they get to the corridor, Spock looks at her raising an eyebrow.

"Go on ahead." Eleanor says, getting a nod from Spock, he then heads towards the bridge.

Eleanor leans against the wall next to the door, listening carefully to the conversation.

"Let me explain what's happening here. You are a criminal. I watched you murder innocent men and women. I was authorized to end you! And the only reason why you are still alive is because I am allowing it. So shut your mouth." Jim says aggressively.

"Oh, Captain, are you going to punch me again over and over till your arm weakens?" Harrison says, in a mocking tone,  "Clearly you want to, so tell me, why did you allow me to live?".

"We all make mistakes." Jim says.

"No. I surrendered to you because, despite your attempt to convince me otherwise, you seem to have a conscience, Mister Kirk." Harrison says, pausing for a brief moment, "If you did not, then it would be impossible for me to convince you of the truth. 23-17-46-11. Coordinates not far from Earth. If you want to know why I did what I did, go and take a look.".

✴TRUST✴  // Jim Kirk [2]Where stories live. Discover now