Chapter 4

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Your Lying

Sitting on the couch in the living room, Eleanor waits patiently to hear from either her boyfriend or father. It's been another half hour since she got a message from Jim, saying there was some kind of meeting being held and he would "Explain himself later".

Suddenly the ground shakes, the sound of an explosion is heard. Eleanor runs over to the large floor to ceiling window, seeing one of the Star Fleet buildings on fire, a ship shooting into the building.

She recognizes the building, 'That's where dad and Jim are!' she thinks, hand thrown up to cover her mouth, muffling a sob.

She sees the ship go down, hitting the building on it's way down.

She runs around the apartment looking for her communicator, finally finding it she runs back over to the window, trying to reach either Jim or her father.

Neither answer.

Thinking the worst, she cries, turning around she slides down the window, sitting on the floor.

'Please, please be okay.'

Eleanor is not sure how much time has passed, before the front door opens, slowly.

Jim enters, head held low.

"Jim!" Eleanor yells, getting up from her spot on the floor, she runs over and practically throws herself at him, hugging him tight. "Your okay,  your okay." she repeats , mainly to herself. He says nothing, just hugs her and buries his face in her neck.

They hold each other in silence for a moment, before Eleanor speaks up, "Jim, what about my father, I couldn't get a hold of him." she asks, feeling Jim flinch under her hold.

"Jim?" she asks, pulling back.

"Where's my father?" she repeats herself, slower, but more panicked.

"Eleanor, I-" Jim whispers.

"No..." She whispers.

"Ellie, I'm so sorry."

"No, no your lying." tears start to run down her face.

"I'm sorry." Jim whispers.

And she brakes, sobs rack her whole body.

"Jim, no!" she grabs his forearms tightly, almost falling to the floor, had it not been for Jim holding her up. Hugging her close, the two sank to the floor, Eleanor still loudly sobbing her eyes out, Jim silently crying himself.

He lost another father.

She lost another parent.

"I'm so sorry Ellie.". 

✴TRUST✴  // Jim Kirk [2]Where stories live. Discover now