Chapter 15

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Would Be Proud Of You Too

Eleanor walks into the hospital with a small duffel bag over her shoulder.

"Eleanor." she hears from behind her, turning around she sees Spock in his Starfleet uniform, though he holds his hat in his hand.

"Hey Spock, here to see Jim?" she replies with a small smile.

"Yes." Spock says with a nod. He takes a moment to take in Eleanor's appearance, she's not in her Starfleet uniform, but civilian clothes, she had been given leave to recover and mourn the loss of her father, under her eyes are dark, showing she hasn't slept well in a while.

"Can't guarantee he'll be awake yet." She says with a sad smile.

"That's alright." Spock simply says, following Eleanor to the lift.

Once the door closes the two fall into a comfortable silence.

Jim had been asleep for two whole weeks, and Eleanor has found it very hard to sleep without him next to her, not to mention she's plagued with the thoughts of her fathers death and what happened just two weeks ago.   

Once the doors to the lift open, Spock gestures for Eleanor to exit first, doing so she leads him towards Jim's room. Before entering the room the two hear bones speak.

"Oh, don't be so melodramatic. You were barely dead. it was the transfusion that really took its toll. You were out cold for two weeks.".

A smile grew on Eleanor's face, 'Thank god.' she thought, letting out a small sigh.

Spock stared at the door for a minute.

Eleanor gives him a small shove towards the door, "Go." she says.

"But you..." Spock starts but stops when she waves her hand.

"I'll have him all to myself in a minute, go have your bromance moment." she says with a grin.

"I don't understand-" Spock is cut off by another shove.

"Just go." she says, leaning against then wall by the doorway, so she knows when to make her entrance, 'Definitely not to eavesdrop.'.

"Tell me, are you feeling homicidal? Power mad? Despotic?" Bones jokes.

"No more than usual. How'd you catch him?" Jim asks.

"I didn't." Bones replies, she can hear Spock step forward.

"You saved my life." Jim says.

"Uhura and I had something to do with it, too, you know." Bones quips, making Eleanor roll her eyes.

"You saved my life, Captain, and the lives of-" Spock is cut off by Jim.

"Spock, just. Thank you."

"You are welcome, Jim" Spock replies.

It's quiet for a moment, before Spock speaks up, "There is someone else here to see you.".

Eleanor takes that as her que to walk in, walking through the door way, she drops the bag on the floor near the door. 

Spock and Bones also take that as there own que to leave.

Jim smiles at the sight of her, "Didn't know you were here.".

"Just thought I'd let you and Spock have your bromance moment." Eleanor says, with her own smile.

Jim rolls his eyes, but chuckles, gesturing for her to come over "Come here.".

Eleanor walks further into the room, taking a seat on the side of his bed.

Eleanor runs her fingers through Jim's hair, "how are you feeling?" She asks, with a slightly worried expression.

"Like I died." Jim jokes.

Eleanor gives a huff of a laugh, looking down and closing her eyes, she takes a deep breath.

"I was so scared," Eleanor looks up at him, "I thought I lost another person I loved." A single tear falls down her cheek.

Jim reaches up and wipes away the tear, holding her cheek in his hand.

"I'm so sorry," Jim tilts her her head up to look at him, "But I had to do it, to save everyone on the ship; to save you." Jim says, giving her a loving smile.

"I know, and I'm so proud." she says, returning the smile, "I know my dad would be proud of you too." she places her left hand over his that is still on her cheek.

Something on her hand catches the light from the window, catching Jim's attention.

A ring sits on Eleanor's left ring finger, a very specific ring, one shaped like a disk with diamonds circling the outside of it, with one bigger diamond in the middle.

"You found it?" Jim asks, he tries to sit up straighter, only for Eleanor to stop him.

"You didn't hide it very well, found it when I was packing some clothes for you." She says, gesturing to the bag that's sitting on the floor next to the door.

"Oh." Jim says sheepishly.

"My answers yes by the way." she says, smiling, she leans down and kisses him.

"I love you Eleanor Pike."

"I love you more James T. Kirk."

AN: Alright, The next three chapters are too short to be there own chapters, so I'll just be publishing the last three chapters along with this one.

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