Chapter 17

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Goodbye, For Now

Eleanor stands in front of two graves, setting a bouquet at each one.

"You'd be proud of him dad, he saved us, again."

"I think you would've loved him too mom, wish you could've met him, I think you would have gotten along with Winona, Jim's mom too."

"Oh yeah, we got the five year mission, exciting right, uncharted territory, I guess I won't be home for a while."

"I came to say goodbye, for now. I'll be back some day. Don't worry about me too much okay, I've got a good group of friends with me, and a damn good man too."

She hears foot steps coming from behind her, she knows who it is so she doesn't turn to look, a arm wraps around her waist,  Jim kisses her temple before speaking.

"You ready?"

"Yeah, I am."

Hand in hand the two walk away from the graves, and to the front of the house, stopping in front of the car

Jim places a hand on her cheek "Are you okay?"

giving him a small smile "I will be."

leaning froward, foreheads touching Jim kisses her, pulling back he whispers, "Then let's go, Mrs Kirk."

"I love the sound to that." she whispers back

Climbing into the car, they drive off.

As the house starts to shrink in the destines Eleanor thought to herself.

'Goodybye, mom, dad.'

✴TRUST✴  // Jim Kirk [2]Where stories live. Discover now