Chapter 6

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We Grew Up Together

Eleanor climbs into the shuttle finding a seat in between Jim and Spock. just before she sits down she hears a voice "Eleanor?".

Looking over to the row next to them, she sees a face she has not seen in quite a long time, "Carol, what are you doing here?".

"Wait you know her?" Jim asks.

"Yes, we grew up together." Eleanor replies, with Carol's father being the admiral the two were rather close, regardless of what Eleanor feels about Marcus, only drifted apart when Carol Joined Starfleet before Eleanor.

"Again, not to be rude but, what are you doing here?" Eleanor asked confused.

"I was transferred." is Carol's reply.

"Really?" Eleanor says, a tad suspicious of her childhood friend.

"Yes." Carol smiles, though it seemed forced.

"Alright." Eleanor says, taking her seat in between Jim and Spock. Grabbing Jim's hand she gives it a comforting squeeze.

Seeing this Carol raises an eyebrow, she's heard about Jim Kirk, and that he's somewhat of a "player" or a "womanizer". So she found it odd that Eleanor would go for that kind of guy, she'll have to ask about it later.

Getting off the shuttle Jim, Spock, Eleanor, Bones and Carol walk through engineering.

"No! I'm not signing anything! Now, get these bloody things off my ship! Captain!" Scotty yells, making his way around a torpedo to stand next to Jim. Carol takes her time looking over the torpedo, while Eleanor slides up beside her "We're going to talk about whatever it is your doing later, okay?".

"Right." Carol responds, with a small smile.

"ls there a problem, Mister Scott?" Jim asks, walking over to the torpedo and standing next to Eleanor.

"Aye, sir. I was just explaining to this gentleman." Scotty starts, gesturing to the officer beside him, "that I cannae authorize any weapons on board this ship without knowing what's inside them.".

"Mister Scott raises yet another point that the-" Spock tries to reason with Jim, only to be cut off by him, "Report to the bridge." Jim says, handing him a tablet, making Eleanor raise an eyebrow.

"Captain." Spock says, in a board tone.

Jim then turns to Scotty, "Mister Scott, I understand your concerns, but we need these torpedoes on board.".

"Due respect, sir, but photon torpedoes run on fuel. Now, I cannae detect the type of fuel that's in the compartments on these torpedoes because it's shielded." Scotty begins to explain, "Now, I asked for the specifications, but he said." he gestures to the officer behind him.

"It's classified." the officer said.

"It's classified." Scotty said, with a bit of sass in his voice, "So I said, no specs, no signature!" he yelled.

"Captain." they all hear Sulu say, looking up at him he continues "Flight check's complete. We're good to go, sir."

"Thank you, Mister Sulu." Jim says

"Yes, sir." with that Sulu leaves, heading to the bridge.

"Now if you'll excuse me, sir, I have a warp core to prime." Scotty says, "Get down!" he yells at Keenser, and the two walk off.

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