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// JIMIN'S LOG, TRIP TO BUSAN -  07.01.16 //

"We came here because we heard that the view of the sunset is really pretty."

[my mum said  the sunset is really pretty at the beach.  so the view of the sunrise must be just as beautiful, right?  it's a pity we can't see the sunset.  aish, i should have brought you here yesterday...

that's okay.  it's a new sunrise for a new year.  i like it!  it's nice idea.  we can come another time.

haha, would you like to come back to busan next year?  i can bring you.  then we can see the sunset instead.]

"So, we've been here for four days already.  Today, after dawn, we'll go back to Seoul."

[it's been so nice coming here.  it's made me so happy.  thank you for bringing me here.

i'm glad you enjoyed it.  busan is beautiful, right?

it is.

you probably don't feel exactly the same.  i grew up here so there are certain things-

no, no, i understand.  i didn't experience your memories...but i can still feel it.  in the people, in the place.  it makes me really happy to be here.  

well we've spent the beginning of 2016 next to each other - let's hope it continues that way, hm?  may our friendship continue to blossom!

yes!  2016, please be good to us! fighting!


- six -

what are some of your favourite memories?

mine is when we went stargazing that night in busan and then the beach the next day to watch the sunrise.

- nine -

i kept the longest one you wrote about the busan trip. 

 it was more of a diary entry than a letter to me, but maybe that's why you gave it to me - it was like a promise to remember everything together; a recount of memories.  

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