The Moving Spirit

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On the desolated, rocky shores of Lake Michigan under the warm, evening Chicagoan skies, the six members of the newly-formed Good Junior Hockey Players' Society are staring out at the placid, blue waters. They all have their street clothes on with their hockey bags and sticks by their feet.

In front of them is Kailer, who still has the tablet in both of his hands. "Perfect. Now to design the building." He begins pressing on the screen.

Jake stares at the holographic lines beginning to materialize into view. "Oh, this is so much fun!" He peers down while rubbing his chin, thinking hard. "It should look like..."

"...a skate!" Brett finishes off emphatically.

"What?" Kale whirls his head to the forward with a disgusted expression. "No, make it look like a normal building!"

Jeremy gives him a frown. "That's too boring! It's should represent hockey, like a hockey blade!"

"And how is that gonna work inside?" the defenceman shoots back.

Jake throws an index finger in the air. "It should be a dog!"

Matteo proceeds to slip his face in his hands. "Aiyyy..."

Kailer peers behind his shoulder at the bickering group. "Men, men, settle down! I got it!" He holds his free hand out ahead of him.

The other five stop what they are doing and peer up at the scientist's hand's direction.

Hovering above the smooth water is a large, glass building in the shape of a goalie skate with a low-cut "ankle" and thick skate blade. The sides are giving off a glint from the setting orange sun.

"It's a skate or a blade of a stick," Kailer continues on. "Whichever way you wanna look at it."

"That looks like a shopping cart," Kale points out flatly.

Jake frowns at him with large eyes. "Not a dog?"

He shrugs. "Okay, it can appear to be a dog as well."

"Yay!" Jake claps his hands happily. "It's a dog's face!"

Matteo then peers at his members. "Now what?"

Kailer faces the Master. "I added in the bare necessities for the interior and now the exterior is completed."

Kale gazes around his surroundings before turning back to the scientist. "There's barely any land to put the HQs on though."

"Who says we're putting it on land?" Kailer asks him in an arrogant tone. He then faces the others. "Does anyone here have water manipulation?"

Matteo raises his hand in the air. "I do. Ocean manipulation, actually."

"Good enough." A small smile appears on his face. "Pietroniro, part the waters!"

Matteo shoots him an odd look with knitted eyebrows and a frown. "Why?"

He lowers his tablet against his lap. "I would like to settle the headquarters underwater. It'd be a clever and effective barrier for none to see or attack. A place where it's hidden and hard to access with only those who witness this can gain entry to it."

Matteo nods his head in understanding. "Makes sense." He then makes his way to the edge of the rocky shore, standing near the water in front of his group.

He stares hard at the calm waters, mentally gaining control of its every swift and wavy motion.

Suddenly, a gap begins to form below the floating building, pouring the waters down toward the exposed lakebed.

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