Dark Horse

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The blue energy reappears in the front of the main room, dropping Matteo, Kailer, and Jeremy into sight.

Once the energy disappears, the three peer around the massive room: It is empty with no one in sight and the furniture still in place.

"Well, it seems like everyone's busy...," Matteo points out as he steps deeper into the room.

Kailer follows him. "Yes, yes, aren't we all?" He then whips out his head mirror from a zap of energy and snaps it over his head. "Now, I shall check on Howden and Oettinger." He brushes by him. "Excuse me." With another step, he vanishes in a streak of blue energy, leaving the two members behind.

The energy blasts into sight in Kailer's laboratory, immediately bringing Kailer into sight, his back facing the hospital bed.

"Oh, Howden! Oettinger...!" He turns around to face the bed. "How are you all doin—?" He immediately halts his question, his jaw dropping with massive eyes.

An empty hospital bed is staring back at him.

"What?" he spits out under his breath.

He begins spinning around in all directions with darting eyes, attempting to find the two partners in his room. "THEY'RE GONE! THEY'RE GONE!" In an instant, he emerges himself in a portal of blue energy.

He reappears in front of his rooms, still in his panicked state. "HOWDEN AND OETTINGER ARE—!"

He holds himself still with eyes as wide as pucks staring ahead in pure terror.

On the other side of the room, most of the members are lined up in a terrible situation: Matteo has dark waters spinning around him in a taut restraint; a brick construct is built all around Jeremy, only having his eyes shown through a slit between two bricks; Brett, who appears to be awaken, is tied up in cylinder-shaped pieces of metal from shoulder to toe; Jake has a red dog collar with no clasp around his neck, which is hooked onto a leash tied underneath the ground, between the tile flooring.

And right in front of them, facing them, is the man feared by the whole society: the Rink Destroyer.

Fury grows on Kailer's face. "What in the wild supernatural universe is going on?!"

Instantly, the Rink Destroyer spins around to face the scientist. His glare-covered visor is staring down at him ominously with a frown below it.

Kailer conjures a blue ergokinetic bow in his left hand, holding it up to the masked man with a similar arrow loaded in the bow with his right hand. "Release them!"

He launches the arrow, which instantly morphs into multiple arrows, now having a band of energy-made arrows raining down at the masked man.

The man stays still, appearing unfazed by the attack.

Suddenly, the arrows smoothly spin around, pointing at their creator. They begin racing at him.

Kailer's eyes fly open at the sight. "What? No, no, no, no, no, no, nooo!"

The arrows spin around the small teenager, leaving a trail of wispy ribbons behind them, binding him up in his own attack. Then a force blows against him, sending him across the room and next to the Master.

"Ugh!" Kailer wiggles in his restraints with a fuming expression. He snaps his eyes at the captor. "Release me too!"

The Rink Destroyer responds by turning around and stepping back with a smirk etched below his visor.

Between the bricks, Jeremy's eyes dart to his left, where the Master is. "Does he speak?" he asks, referring to the Rink Destroyer.

"I don't know," Matteo tells him with an unsure expression. "But he's taking the 'actions speak louder than words' quote literally."

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