Cut To The Chase

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Loud, muffled inaudible voices echo throughout the dark bedroom, pulling Kale from his slumber.

His eyes flick wide open, his focus sharply directed at the unfamiliar voices coming from beyond the room.

He stays still, attempting to decipher what the voices are proclaiming, yet their faintness due to the closed door made it nearly impossible. The only piece of information he could take from the voices is the anger packed in them due to their harshness and booming volume.

With a deep breath in, Kale slips out from the bed, having it creak under his weight as he rises to his feet. He quietly steps across the room, on the matted carpet, eyeing the slit of the light peeking from beneath the bedroom door.

He presses his side against the door's rough, wooden surface, staying still with his attention on the rising voices:

"I don't have...!"

"Let us in or else...!"

"No, I swear, I don't...!"

Kale knits his eyebrows at the words he picked up. Who is talking? It sounds like Quinton. What are they talking about? Are they talking about us? Does he need help? I'll go in really quietly...

Holding his breath, Kale reaches for the golden doorknob and turns it slowly, gradually pushing the squeaky door open.

He slips into the hallway, aiming his eyes at the entrance of the hallway, where the light from the living room is pouring on.

He steps down the hallway, heading toward the end of the wall to his left, while focusing on the clearer voices.

"It's not fair, you guys can't come in against my will..."

"We can, we have a warrant..."

"Where? Where is your warrant...?"

Kale halts at the end of the wall and pressing his back against it. He darts his eyes to the bottom left, where the railing lining the left side of the hallway is situated. Down below is the main room, showing the evident view of the voices' source.

At the front door is Quinton, who has his back facing the living room. He appears to be bickering with another person outside, who is out of Kale's view due to the foyer's wall.

Kale stays still, anticipating for any movement from the front door.

"The government issued a law saying that authorities do have the right to search anyone's private property for superhumans," the same voice from the outside is heard proclaiming.

"What happened to the fourth amendment?" Quinton snaps back. "I'm not from here and I even know how this country runs!"

"Times have changed, we adjusted the laws to the current situations," the voice replies back coldly. "Now step aside or we will make you."

Sharp rage begins twisting inside of Kale. His eyebrows lower at Quinton and the front door, enraged at how forceful the authorities are.

He senses his power surge shift dynamically, swirling inside of him. He tenses up, turning his hands into fists. He mentally takes hold of his anger's focus point and feels his grasp crush them.

Shifting is heard from the other side of the door.

Feeling satisfied, Kale retracts his power, calming down.

From below, Quinton peers behind his shoulder with shocked eyes. He then perks up, locking eyes with Kale.

Kale nods down at him with a smirk.

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