Method To My Madness

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Minutes later, the road morphs into a single lane road surrounded by forestry. Ominous pine trees are scattered throughout the area as far as an eye can see, blending in with the pitch black sky.

Brett guides the black car off to the left side of the road. The car jolts as it rolls off the road, to slightly lower level, and moves against the leaf-scattered dirt ground.

The driver then stops the car at the small clearing between the road and forest. He puts the car in park, turns it off, and exits. The others silently follow him out of the car, stepping out into the eerie night.

Kale, still in his hospital gown, peers around the shadowy surroundings in bewilderment. "Where are we?" He hugs himself as a chilly breeze sweeps by, floating through his gown and prickling at his skin.

Brett nods toward the forest. "Follow me."

He leads the way down into the maze of trees, making his way in the dark and relying on the full moon's light as the only light.

He then stops in front of a small boulder nestled by a bush.

"I'll do it." Jeremy brushes in front of Brett and bends over to the boulder.

He gets a good grasp on it and lifts it off the ground effortlessly, revealing what it was covering.

Embedded in the soft dirt ground spewed with twigs and leaves is a wooden trap door with a latch.

Brett kneels on one knee next to it and undoes the latch, using it to hoist the door upward.

On the other side is a concrete staircase leading into the darkness.

Brett peers behind his shoulder at the others. "Get in."

Silently, each member, including Jeremy, goes in one-by-one down the stairs and into the darkness.

Once everyone has passed through, Brett takes a good glance around his surroundings. He then slides himself through the hole and closes the trap door above him.

He runs his hand against the wall as he steps down the dusky staircase. He then spots a warm light ahead, illuminating the staircase. He rushes down the stairs and turns to the left, the only way to turn, entering a room.

The room is square-shaped and cut of concrete. All around the room's walls are lanterns, which give off the warm light. Its floor is spewed with blankets and worn-out furniture. The only furniture in the room is a wooden table, a bunk bed, and different styled chairs.

Kale is standing by the doorway, watching everyone else settle into their own places. "What is this?"

Jeremy settles down on a tattered saucer chair. "It's our hideout, before the authorities detect this place and scour it."

He raises his eyebrows. "Wow..."

"We've only been here since yesterday," Brett adds on, standing next to him with crossed arms. "We're planning on staying here for two more nights, if we're lucky."

"But we didn't come here to admire the place," Kailer snaps in his beat-up swivel chair by the desk. He whirls to Kale. "We come here because we have a task for you."

Kale eyes him with tentativeness. "Okay..." He shuffles into the room and takes a seat on the frayed armrest next to the scientist.

Kailer spins to face him. "You can be the solution to this crisis. With your powers, which aren't too powerful—no offense—you have room to hold even more and better powers.

"Therefore, we have chosen you to bear a new powerful ability." He stuffs his hand into his jacket's pocket and pulls it out, holding up a vial containing clear liquid with a purple shine. "An ability more powerful than practically all the power players combined."

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