The Case of the Missing Kale

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Meanwhile, on the shore of Lake Michigan, by the dock, Matteo and Jeremy are on a motorcycle with Matteo as the driver. In front of them on the asphalt is a red, beat-up pickup truck, where Brett and Jake are in with Brett as the driver. They are all in their street clothes.

Matteo faces the truck and points behind him. "You two head east" —he reverts his hand in front of him— "we're heading west!" He then grabs his black motorcycle helmet from the vehicle's handlebars. "And if you need any assistance or find Kale, call the Doc, he's gonna stay in the base. And if you find the Kale, immediately bring him here!"

Jake pokes his head out the window and salutes him. "Right away, Master Pietroniro!"

Matteo shakes his head before slipping on his helmet. He then turns on the vehicle, peers behind his shoulder to make sure Jeremy is ready.

He spots Jeremy with his helmet on and a thumbs up.

Matteo then faces west and takes off in a cloud of dust and screeching of the engine.

Brett watches the two zip out of the sight. He then faces his passenger. "Alright, Jake Dog, time for a road trip!"

Jake claps excitedly. "Oh goodie, I love road trips!"

Brett then turns on the car and pulls out of the parking lot, rolling down the streets.

Jake sticks his head completely out the window, taking in the wind with his eyes closed and a massive, closed grin. The wind picked up by the car is blasting through his hair, flapping it behind him.

Brett quickly takes a peek to the right, spotting the right window obscured by the tall teenager. "Can you get your head in here? I can't see to my right."

"I love the wind and the smells it brings!" Jake is heard bellowing over the window.

Brett lets out a heavy sigh while shaking his head.

It is a cool, crisp, sunny morning in Toronto: the perfect time to go out for a morning jog.

And that is exactly what Michael does.

Out in the neighbourhood, Michael is jogging with a cool mien, wearing only navy blue basketball shorts, a blue backwards cap, sunglasses over his eyes, and earbuds, which are connected to his smartphone in his shorts' pockets.

He stares out at the beautiful scenery through his tinted vision.

The trimmed front yards belonging to the houses are to the right and the zooming cars on the main road are to the left.

Then something catches the corner of his eye, closer to his left. He turns to it, spotting a female jogging on the bike line in the opposite direction, gaping at him with awe-filled eyes.

"Ohhhh, he's sooo hooot...!" she murmurs dreamingly.

Suddenly, an eighteen-wheeler zooms by, smashing her against its grill and taking her away.

Michael peers ahead, following the eighteen-wheeler with his eyes as it disappears around the bend. "Hm." He continues jogging with chill.

Then two other female joggers begin passing by him from behind. The jogger closest to him is ogling at him.

He gives her a smirk. "Want my number?"

"Ahhh...!" The runner instantly rolls her eyes back and goes limp, falling backward.

Her jogging partner, fortunately, catches her before she hits the ground.

She whirls to Michael, who has stopped jogging, with a glare. "I don't want your number, I want the ambulance's number!"

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