Do You Want Jam On It Too?

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The four members have returned to the GJHP headquarters. They are now standing by Kailer, who is sitting in the control booth. The holographic screen in front of them is displaying the data from the conditions of each of the three destroyed ice rinks.

"First, Oettinger's arena floats away," Kailer states. "Second, Swayman's arena is flattened. Third, Pietroniro's arena is severely flooded with uncontrollable waters."

Matteo nods his head, not tearing his eyes from the screen. "Yes, that's right..."

Jeremy turns to the others from the screen. "Is there a pattern anyone sees here?"

"NCAA, USHL, QMJHL," Brett lists out with his fingers. "I guess one of our arenas is gonna be hit next, right, Yamma-Mamma?" He faces the scientist.

Kailer turns to him, his interlaced hands on his lap. "And what makes you conclude that, Howden?"

"Because the Rink Destroyer is targeting all of our arenas. Unless we don't get alerts from other non-power team arenas..." He scratches the back of his neck unsurely.

"No, no, we're all caught up and clued in on all major junior arenas," Kailer informs him firmly. "Mr. Gorman said so."

"And all of the arenas that have been hit have been ours," he adds on, extending his hand at the screen.

Kailer faces the screen. He slowly nods his head. "Yes, that is true."

Brett turns back to the others. "So it's reasonable to have either mine" —he points to himself— "yours" —he reverts his pointer finger to Kailer— "or Kale's, even Mikey's" —he waves his hand aimlessly behind him, since the other two members are not present— "arena get hit next."

Matteo darts his eye to each member. "So who would it be next: WHL or OHL?"

"Is there a pattern to figure that out?" Jeremy asks.

"Hmmm..." Kailer turns back to the screen, analyzing the data with his vision. "No, not geographically, not alphabetically, not by team name, surname, inaugural year..." He then slips his hands through his hair above his bandana. "This is so befuddling." He faces the others. "Whoever is doing this, I must say, knows how to create random patterns."

"We have to at least know where they're gonna hit next so that we can be there before they get there and we can get them!" Matteo exclaims. He then asks Kailer, "Can you track him, Doc?"

Kailer drums his fingers on the control panel's edge with an unamused expression. "Well, you see, I can't really pursue the scoundrel because" —he slams his hands flat on the panel, leaning forward at Matteo— "WE DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO HE IS."

Silence immediately engulfs the room, making everyone freeze with their wide eyes on the outraged scientist.

Kailer immediately slinks back to a relaxed position, regaining his composure. "But we'll figure it out." He gives them a warm, reassuring smile.

A few minutes later, Kailer is has returned to his lab. He is back conducting his experiment at his countertop, this time dropping precise drops from a pipette to the graduated cylinder with light blue liquid.

He then hears his door opening with the sound of footsteps approaching him.

"Heeeyyyy, Doc," Michael calls out from behind him. "I have a complaint."

"Not now." Kailer releases the last drop from the pipette, scrutinizing the bottom of the meniscus against the measurement line.

He senses the man halting next to him. His voice is now louder, notifying him he is right behind him. "I still have the same powers: I can't make anything. I can't control anything. What happened to the powers you gave me?"

With an unamused expression, Kailer spins around, becoming face to face with Michael.

The new member is peering down at him with a frown and pleading eyes.

"I didn't give you any," the scientist tells him matter-of-factly. He then whirls back around to his experiment.

Michael's eyes fly open at the back of the teenager. "Wait, what?" He leans over to the edge of the countertop, attempting to get eye contact with him. "You did give me powers, you put your little gadget on my arm—"

Kailer shakes his head as he reaches out for the glass stirring rod.

A gawk forms over Michael's face. "What?"

The scientist picks the small rod into his possession. "I definitely fooled you, Cramarossa." He turns to him with a hint of arrogance. "I pretended to give you powers in order to shut you up."

"Are you kidding me?" Michael straightens up, gaping. "So I still have my own powers?"

"Yep." Kailer nods his head.

"So when can you give me better powers?"

"I told you, Cramarossa, for the fourth time..." Kailer turns back to the filled graduated cylinder. "...I refuse to alter your team powers."

Michael lets out a groan, craning his head back with his eyes rolled back. "Ugh! You're just as stubborn as Big Joe." Then fuming, he marches away from the scientist and out of the laboratory.

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