Feeding Frenzy

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Later on, the bunker is immersed with darkness with the dormant lanterns hanging on the walls. The six former members of the GJHP are sound asleep, either lying on the blanket-spewed ground or on the bunk bed.

Resting on the lower bed of the bunk bed is Kale with a peaceful expression. His breathing is even with his hands clasped on his stomach and his closed eyes still.


Kale's eyes immediately fly open at the sound of the trapdoor rattling.

"CPD!" a disembodied, gruff voice bellows in a muffled tone from above. "OPEN UP!"


Shuffling is heard throughout the room, notifying Kale that the others have awoken.

"Shoot," he hears Matteo whispers in the dark. "They found us."



The crumbling of the ceiling can be heard as dirt and pebbles lightly rain down due to the harsh pounding.

"No, it's cooler when they force their way in," Brett murmurs with a light tone.

"Where's a way to exit?" Jeremy snaps quietly.

"That's the only way out!" Jake hisses at him with fear.

"Or is it?" Kale hears Kailer questioning.

In a flash of blue energy, which illuminates the room for a moment, Kailer materializes next to Kale, appearing grainy due to the darkness.

Kale knits his eyebrows at him. "What?"


Kale gawks at him. "How?"

"Just do it!" Brett spits out a bit too loud.

Jeremy is heard hushing him: "SHHH!!!"

"Can't you teleport us?" Kale asks, holding his hands out at the small man.

Kailer shakes his head. "I hadn't teleported these many people in the longest time." He places his hands firmly on his shoulders. "But I know you can bring us out."

"But-but how?" Kale stares at the dimly lit Kale with trepidation.

Kailer pulls away from him and steps over to the end of the bunk bed. "Bring the opening over here." He points to the open space of the wall, directly across from the entrance of the room. "Make it a reflection."


"We know you're in there!" the orotund sound of an authority roars.

Kale fiddles with his thumbs as he stares at the menacing wall. "Uhhh..."

"This is your last warning!" the man continues barking. "Open up!"


"You can do it," Brett tells Kale meaningfully from behind him. "You got the best powers out there."

Kale peers behind his shoulders at the others with worry. "What about your powers?"

"Just do it," Jeremy orders firmly.

With a sharp breath held in, Kale turns back to face the empty wall. He gradually holds his hands out at it and closes his eyes, focusing on his powers' surge. His fingers begin to grow tense and his face contorts as he concentrates on the task.

The wall shifts for a moment, like a malfunctioning computer. Then in a snap, a mirrored version of the actual staircase materializes into view.

With a small smile, Kailer turns to Kale. "Go in first."

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