The Darkest Hour Part 1

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A year has passed since Morgana disappeared without a trace. The castle was in a buzz, trying to get ready for the feast of Samhain. Adelaide walked into Uther's chambers. For the last few months she has been looking after him, he may have tried to kill her but he didn't deserve the betrayal from his own daughter. Adelaide's dress just reached the ground as she walked. She wore a black dress with long sleeves and it had golden string wrapping around her middle.

 She wore a black dress with long sleeves and it had golden string wrapping around her middle

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She watched as Uther placed the goblet down, his hands were shaking. He was sitting by the window, he looked broken. Not his normal self. Adelaide saw the untouched plate of food next to him. "You've not eaten, Sire?" Adelaide questioned but Uther barely looked at her as he continued to look in front of him. "Sire?" Adelaide asked, Uther didn't make a sound. She walked closer and picked up the tray with the plate of food in. She saw a piece of red clothing in the corner of her eye. She walked towards Gauis, who had entered the room with a potion.

Adelaide stopped in front of Gauis. "It doesn't seem to make any difference." Adelaide said as she looked at the potion in Gauis' hands. "I'm not sure it ever will, but at least it gives him peace." Gauis said to Adelaide. "It's been a year since Morgana betrayed him."Adelaide said as she glanced towards Uther.

"His heart is broken and his spirit gone." Gauis said looking towards Uther. "Are you joining us for the feast tonight?" Gauis asked Adelaide. Adelaide shook her head. "I don't think so. I need to stay with the King."

"You're very good to him Adelaide." Gauis said. "I don't do it for him. I do it for Arthur." Adelaide said. It soon got dark and Adelaide could hear the chatter and laughing from the great hall where the feast is being held.

Adelaide stood near the window in Uther's room. The guards had just helped her get him into bed. She looked over her shoulder to where Uther was laying. His eyes were still open. Suddenly Adelaide saw movement by the table at the door. She walked away from the window where she was standing towards the person.

She could hear shrieking. The person was an old woman cloaked in black, she held a stick or a staff made of wood in her hand. "Daenerys." the woman spoke, Adelaide continued to stare at the woman. The woman kept repeating Adelaide's druid name. Adelaide dropped to the floor, as she was falling she grabbed onto a chair but as she fell the chair fell over making a loud noise.

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