Meet Adelaide twin sister of Merlin, and like him she has magic but she can control hers. follow her as she falls in love with someone who is beyond her reach.
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Adelaide stood watching the training ground from a distance, Leon and Percival stood on either side of her.
"You'll watch over them, won't you?" Adelaide asked.
"We always watch over them." Leon said.
"I know, but after his coronation I'm leaving." Adelaide said.
"Are you sure that is wise?" Percival asked as they watched the two twenty three year old train. Many years ago Adelaide lifted the rule that said only men can be knight, so there are a lot of woman who fight along side the men.
There are many druids as knight and guards as well, since Adelaide lifted the ban on magic. People can use magic but only for good if there is a whisper of magic being used for bad Adelaide hears about it.
"My Lady." A voice said from behind Adelaide, Percival and Leon. Adelaide turned and saw the court physician, who took over after Gauis passed away.
"Yes?" Adelaide asked.
"There are a few things you need to sign before the coronation of Prince Matthew." He said.
"I'll see you two tonight at supper. Watch over those two, you know how they can get." Adelaide said and followed the court physician.
+That Night+
Adelaide sat at the head of the table, Matthew sat at her right side, and his twin sister Arabella sat on Adelaide's left side. Adelaide smiled as the two bickered back and forth. Gwen and Leon sat together at the other end of the table and Percival and his wife sat near them.
"Matthew, Arabella." Adelaide spoke up gaining the attention of the two.
"Yes?" Both spoke at the same time, making them glare at one another.
"As you know, I don't age and not everyone knows about my magic. I made the decision to leave after the coronation tomorrow." Adelaide said.
"You're leaving us?" Arabella questioned
"I don't want to but the longer I stay the more attention Camelot will attract. The two of you are old enough to look after yourselves." Adelaide said.
"Will we see you again?" Matthew questioned.
"Some day, maybe." Adelaide said
"What will you do?" Gwen questioned Adelaide.
"I'm going to try and find Merlin." Adelaide said.
+Next day+
Adelaide stood in front of the crowd in the throne room. Matthew walked down the aisle, his red cloak trailing behind him, and for a moment Adelaide saw Arthur walking towards her.
Arabella stood next to a boy Adelaide recognized as the prince of one of the neighbouring kingdoms.
"Do you Matthew Pendragon swear to protect Camelot and follow the rules as set forth?" Adelaide asked, she held the crown Arthur wore in her hands.
"I solemnly swear to do so." Matthew said.
"Rise Matthew Pendragon, King of Camelot." Adelaide said as she set the crown on Matthews head. He stood up and sat on the throne.
That night Adelaide stood by the doors of the feast. Arabella was dancing with that Prince and Matthew was talking, or more like flirting with Leon and Gwen's daughter who was two years younger that him.
Adelaide smiled at the sight of her children laughing and having fun. She would miss them terribly but it was for the best. She promised herself that she would check up on them every few years, but first she needs to find her brother who hasn't been seen of heard of for twenty five years.
Leon noticed Adelaide smiling from the doorway. He started to walk towards her but before he reached her she disappeared. He walked into the corridor but she was gone.