A quiet forest

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In a forest,

Stands a warrior,

Who fought for the glory.

He has been here for 2 weeks now.

And yet he doesn't move an inch.

He's keeping an eye on the trees.

He let the air go inside him.


Something catches his attention.

A rustle in the bushes

He knows for sure what it is.

It is the fox that live next to him.

It is nourishing its family.

Then, the peace comes again in the area.

This quiet place,

Is no more than a sanctuary for the warrior.

You might be wondering:

When will the warrior move forward?

The answer is quite simple:

He's gonna move when the stones,

Those which cover the walls,

Will be covered by the wines.

You're probably asking yourself:

Why are there stone walls in the middle of the forest?

It is because the warrior found peace.

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