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I woke up to birds singing their songs of joy with a small sliver of sunlight peering through my closed drapes.

I flipped over on my soft bed, smiling at the cool atmosphere in my room. My mom didn't turn the air conditioner off last night, knowing I like it a little cold.

I got out of bed and let my bare feet come in contact with the cold floor. I unlocked and opened, what looked like a door built into the window, letting the cool breeze blow through my long brown hair. I closed my eyes and smiled to myself knowing that it wasn't going to be hard to get used to this.

I walked across my room and into my bathroom, turning on the shower water. I didn't turn any lights on, letting the natural light shine through the two windows in my bathroom. I slowly removed my sleeping clothes as I waited for the water to heat up.

The shower head was connected to the ceiling, giving the allusion that you were taking a shower in the rain or under a waterfall.

I opened the thin glass door and stepped in, letting the hot steamy water hit my soft tan skin. My freezing toes took a few seconds to warm up to the temperature of the water.

I grabbed my body scrub and lightly drizzled my Honey Cone scented body wash onto it. I placed the rough material against my skin; jumping at the slight chill of the body wash. My pores were soon cleaned of any plane residue that was left from yesterday.

I got out and dried myself off with my soft white towel. Walking into my closet, I picked out some comfortable lounging clothes. I put on some Adidas pants and a plain white t-shirt.

I slowly walked down the stairs and out into the kitchen. My mom wasn't up yet so I decided to make her some breakfast in bed because of all the nice things she's done for me up here.

I turned the dial, making the stove start to heat up and took out all the supplies that were needed. I cracked some eggs into one pan and poured some batter into another to make my mom's favorite part of breakfast; banana pancakes.

My mom's favorite morning drink was hot green tea so I made her the best we had. I put some fresh fruit in a cup to set on the side. I placed everything on a plate and neatly set everything on a tray.

I quietly walked up the stairs and into my mom's room with the tray in my hands

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I quietly walked up the stairs and into my mom's room with the tray in my hands. I opened her door and saw her sitting up in her bed, reading a book.

"Good morning mother dear" I jokingly said giggling.

"Oh honey you didn't have to do that" she said as I placed the tray on her lap.

"Yes I did. You've done so much for me. And I know one breakfast is nowhere close to what I should and will hopefully one day be able to do for you" I said with a smile.

"Oh sweetheart" she said pulling me down and giving me a tight hug.

"Thank you so much" she said starting to dig in.

"You're welcome. Call me if you need anything else" I said leaving her room and shutting the door.

I decided to take one more day to get used to the house before I went out to walk through the streets of New Jersey.

I visited every room of the house to get an idea of how I wanted to decorate.

I soon was surprised by something I found in a spare closet. It was a door to the basement.

I walked down the wooden stairs that were well preserved. It was dark and roomy. I turned on a light and started to plan out a cool theater room or maybe just a spare lounging room that I could possibly make out of it. Hopefully my mom is willing to raise her budget on the house.

I walked back to my moms room and walked over to her bed with puppy dog eyes.

"Did you know that we had a basement?" I asked watching her continue to eat.

"No" she said looking up at me, confused.

"Oh, well I was wondering since you're letting me decorate the whole house... I was hoping maybe you would let me transform the basement too" I said with a cheesy and questionable smile.

"Of course you can" she said shocking me.

"Really?" I asked straightening my posture.

"It's a new start remember" she said grinning at me.

"Ahhhh thank you mom" I screamed kissing her cheek and running back to my room.

It was now beginning to become dark as I snuggled myself into my bed, getting ready to go to sleep soon.

I let my Netflix play as I turned over onto my stomach and closed my eyes.


I again woke up to the birds chirping outside my window.

Today I was going to go out and look for some new school clothes and try to find some good decor shops that had reasonable prices.

It was a warm summer day so I chose to wear a white high rise skirt and an over the shoulder floral crop top.

It was a warm summer day so I chose to wear a white high rise skirt and an over the shoulder floral crop top

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I walked out into the driveway and got into my rental car. My mom wanted to wait a few weeks until we were able to get both of us a perminant car.

I wanted to start on the house before I began to put all my time into the basement, knowing that it was going to take a while.

I came across a store called Wrightwood Design.

I walked in and immediately found myself in heaven. The prices were reasonable and the interior items seemed durable.

I ended up not being able to get any school clothes because I went absolutely crazy in Wrightwood Design. But I did have enough money to stop by a small corner cafe on my way home.

I walked in and sat alone at the bar and ordered a small hot coffee.

The bell on the entrance door rang, indicating that someone had come in. I turned my head and saw a tall attractive muscular man who looked around my age.

His hair was brown and floppy, covering his forehead. His jaw line looked like it could cut diamonds.

His green/hazel eyes trailed over to me and met my gaze. He slightly smiled and walked over to the bar sitting close to me.

He turned his head, staring at me.

"Hi I'm Grayson"

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