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The drive to Grayson's parent's house seemed long and stressful. I was super nervous.

When we arrived I didn't get out of the car right away. I sat still and stared at his parent's house in front of us with a horrified look on my face. Grayson started to get out when he noticed my nervousness. He used his thumb and index finger to turn my head to face him.

"Don't worry. They're going to love you" he said reassuringly, planting a soft kiss on my lips.

I smiled feeling better and opened my door to get out. Grayson grabbed my waist making me feel safer and walked up to the front door. He rang the doorbell and stood back with a smile.

A beautiful older woman opened the door and smiled widely when she saw me and Grayson.

"Grayson!" she exclaimed and immediately took him into her arms.

"And you must be Rose" she said letting go of Grayson and attacking me with a huge hug.

I let out a small laugh and hugged her tightly knowing I was going to love her and the rest of the family.

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Dolan" I politely said letting go.

"Please, call me Lisa" she said with a smile, letting us inside.

"Sean, Cameron, Ethan. Come down here and meet our guest" she yelled up the stairs calling the rest of the family down.

Sean, who I assume was Grayson's dad, walked down the stairs first. He greeted me with a warm smile and a gentle hand shake.

"It's nice to finally meet the beautiful lady that we've been hearing about for so long" he said looking at Grayson.

I chuckled and looked up at Grayson's red face. It was so cute that he was telling his parents about me.

Cameron, Grayson's sister, came down the stairs next.

"Hey Rose. Nice to meet you" she said politely and gave me a hug.

"So the little squirt finally got a girl" she said jokingly punching Grayson's shoulder.

"Shut up Cam" Grayson said sarcastically.

Finally the last member of the family came down the stairs. Ethan. I've met Ethan before but it was quick and I didn't really get to socialize with him. When he came down the stairs he met with my eyes first. He had a cute smile on his face as he walked over to me. This time, instead of a hand shake, he went all in and gave me a giant hug.

"It's nice to see you again. You look amazing" he said with his arms wrapped around my neck.

Grayson's smiled faded indicating that he was getting agitated with Ethan's actions. I let go and went back to Grayson's side, feeling a little uncomfortable myself.

"Who's ready for dinner?" Sean said breaking the awkward silence.

Everyone screamed in excitement and walked over to the dinner table that was already neatly set up.


I'm very happy to say that the dinner was a success. I bonded with everyone in an unusually amazing and unexpected way. We laughed so much. I honestly love Grayson's family so much. I now see them as my second family. I see Cameron as a sister and Ethan as my best friend. They were so warm and welcoming. It would be hard not to like them. But throughout the entire time I was there, Ethan was staring at me. I'm not saying that I was uncomfortable. Considering the fact that he looks almost exactly like Grayson, I found him extremely attractive.

But I did have a lot of fun and they definatly wore me out. I was so tired when Grayson and I got back to my house.

"How was the dinner?" my mom asked as we walked in my front door with a smile.

"It was really fun. I'm glad I was invited" I said looking up at Grayson with a big smile.

"Good. I'm glad" she said as Grayson and I walked up the stairs and into my room.

I sat on my bed along with Grayson as he took his shoes off.

"What's wrong?" I asked looking at Grayson's uneasy facial expression as I took my heels off.

"Ethan was staring at you all night" he spoke not looking at me and clenching his jaw when he was finished speaking.

I placed my hand on his cheek, bringing us face to face. I knew he was right. I noticed it myself.

"You won't have to worry about him. I am yours and yours only" I said bringing our foreheads together.

"I love you" Grayson said bringing his hands up to my face.

"I love you too"

That was the first time he's ever said it.

"Are you staying the night?" I asked not wanting him to leave.

"Only if you want me to" he said standing up starting to unbutton his shirt.

He slid his arms out of the long sleeves and folded his shirt, placing it on top of my dresser.

"Oh I want you to" I said getting up and walking towards him.

I ran my hands down his torso just like I did last night. His arms gripped onto my waist as I helped him unbuckle his belt. I yanked on it before taking it off, making him let out a deep grunt. His hands slowly moved from my waist to my ass giving it a light squeeze as my arms rested against his chest. I let out a heavy breath feeling myself becoming wet.

One of his hands moved up to the top of my back and gripped the zipper of my dress. He slowly pulled the zipper down, not breaking eye contact. I helped him by sliding the straps off of my shoulders making my dress fall to the floor.

He looked at my exposed body and licked his lips. I took control and led him over to my bed making him sit down. I straddled his lap and started sucking on his neck, quickly forming a hickey. I lightly started grinding my hips against his crotch making him let out a soft moan.

"We can't do this" he whispered with his hands gripping my bare waist.

"Why not?" I whispered in his ear, not stopping.

"Your mom is right downstairs" he said not even trying to stop me.

"Then I can lock the door" I said sarcastically.

"Rose I don't want to take the chance. Your mom likes me and I don't want to fuck that up" he said sounding sad about that truth.

"No, my mom loves you" I said kissing his forehead.

"But you're right. It is risky" I continued, getting off of him and walking to my closet.

I put on an over sized t-shirt and walked back to my bed. Grayson was already in a pair of his sweat pants that he left over here.

I am so lucky to have him.

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