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I woke up to a repetitive noise coming from my large window. Normally I would let it go but it was annoying and it wouldn't stop. I grunted when I got up and looked at my clock before I started to walk towards my window.


"What could it be this late at night?" I whispered to myself.

Before I opened the window door, I looked out to see what it was. I was surprised to see that it wasn't a "what", it was a "who". Someone I didn't want to see. Grayson stood with a guilty smile plastered across his face. He singled for me to come down but I refused. I went back to my bed, trying to fall asleep again.

I couldn't fall asleep but the noise did stop. After about another few hours, the sun had risen. The sound of a knock on the front door from down stairs filled the emptiness of the house. Knowing it was probably Grayson, I rushed down stairs not wanting my mom to let him in. But I was too late. As soon as my foot hit the wooden surface of the last step, my eyes met with Grayson. I didn't know what to do. We stood in silence for so long that my mom had already left the house to go to work.

I ran up the stairs and into my room thinking I could run away from my problems. Which I obviously can't. I heard Grayson follow me up the stairs but I paid no attention to it. Not knowing what to do, I stood staring at my bed facing away from Grayson as he entered my room. I could feel my nervous body start to shake as he got closer and closer to me. I slightly jumped feeling his built chest press up against my back.

His warm lips connected with the soft skin of my neck making me exhale heavily.

I don't know why he was acting like this after what happened with Ethan. But I'll be honest, I was loving it.

His hands gripped my waist, forcing me to turn around and face him. Our eyes locked and my breathing quickened. The silence in the room was loud. Quickly and without hesitation, Grayson brought his hands up and cupped my face planting a rough kiss on my lips. My arms wrapped tightly around his waist.

It hasn't even been 24 hours and I already greatly missed his touch. The lack of warmth was burning a hole in my heart.

The kiss became more intense and heated. Grayson picked me up by my thighs and gently placed me on my bed. He reattached our lips and pulled my shirt over my head keeping his lips as close as possible to mine. I returned the favor and took his shirt off. He removed my bra and soon after, my sweatpants. Our bare skin shared their touch for the first time in what felt like months. Struggling to take his pants off, Grayson helped me, revealing his bulge. I flipped over now straddling him. My hips moved back and forth on his crotch causing him to let out a low groan.

I moved down and attacked his neck and chest with delicate but rough kisses, continuing my back and forth motion on him. My mouth inched closer and closer down to his growing member. My fingers wrapped around the edge of his boxers and pulled them down in a swift motion. My lips connected to his tip. Grayson breathed in through his teeth with a clenched jaw in frustration. He wrapped my hair back with his hands and tried pushing my head down on him.

"Patience daddy" I said in a seductive voice, staring up at him.

"I need you" he said in a whisper.

With no warning, I took in all of him at once. Grayson threw his head back, shutting his eyes tightly and letting out a loud moan. My head bobbed up and down in a steady pattern. I went down as far as I possiblely could making him hit the back of my throat and gag.

"Fuck" he screamed tightly gripping my hair.

I felt his warm liquids slid down my throat. I swallowed the rest and climbed on top of him.

"What are you doing?" he asked with a confused look on his face.

"Round two" I said pulling my underwear off.

He smirked, realizing what I was doing. I slowly sat down on him and threw my head back. I again took in all of him. My hands rested on his chest while his hands tightly gripped my thighs. I bounced up and down at a slow pace. I could tell by the look on his face that he wanted more of me. I started moving faster and I arched my back causing him to let out a loud moan with my every move.

"Fuck Rose" he said breathing heavily.

The sound of my name in his mouth almost sent me over the edge.

"I'm gonna-" Grayson brethed with his eyebrows furrowed and his muscles tense.

We both hit our highs and I felt his liquids release into the condom. I fell beside him out of breath. He immediately brought the covers over us and snuggled me into his chest. This time the silence wasn't loud. It was peaceful and relaxing.

"I'm sorry" I said unfortunately breaking the relaxing silence.

"I'm sorry too" Grayson said running his hand up and down my bare back.

"You shouldn't be" I said looking up at him with sad eyes.

"I hit you. No man should ever touch a woman like that. Especially not you" he said starting to tear up.

I used my thumb to wipe away his tears as soon as they fell from his eyes. He wrapped his arms around my waist as mine were resting against his chest, drawing small invisible circles with my index finger.

"What it that?" he asked bringing my wrist up to his face.

I looked up at him in guilt and embarrassment. He didn't say anything. His arms quickly returned around my waist and squeezed tighter than ever. My arms wrapped around his neck and I smiled into his neck. His compassion was unlike any other.

"You don't need to be doing stuff like that. You are the most loving, beautiful, and adventurous person I know. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise"

"I love you" he said into my neck with a cracked voice.

"I love you too" I said back, beginning to cry with him.

I felt my eyes becoming heavy.

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