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My eyes fluttered open as the morning sun pierced into the room from every direction. I turned over, looking at the digital clock on our night stand.


Ok not morning sun.

I looked down at my exposed body seeing that I didn't sleep with the covers on. Grayson had managed to put me in a matching pair of black underwear and a bra.

A happy Grayson slowly walked through the door with a small smile. He was wearing nothing but a pair of grey sweatpants. I don't know what it was about those sweatpants that make him so attractive.

As soon as his gaze met my open eyes, he rushed towards me. I grunted when all of his body weight landed on top of me. The sound of both of our giggles echoed throughout the room as his large arms gripped around my waist. His head rested on my stomach as his body layed in between my legs.

I slowly ran my fingers through his soft chocolate hair that flopped across his forehead. His long dark eyelashes moved down indicating that he had closed his eyes.

"How did you sleep?" we had an exotic night and I was curious if he was able to rest.

"It was hard falling asleep considering how amazing our night was" he loosened his grip around my waist as he moved up, dragging his lips against my stomach before he reached my face.

His lips hovered over mine, teasing me. My hand moved up to his jaw, wanting to pull him down to me. He surprised me when he lifted himself off of the bed and began to walk towards the door. I layed still, in shock. He's such a tease.

I sprung up from the bed, standing in the middle of it making him turn to face me. I threw my small body onto him, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

My lips roughly collided with his as his large hands gripped onto my thighs. I pulled away, being satisfied with finally having my morning kiss. A large smile was plastered on his face making me smile with him.

"I made you breakfast" his deep voice spoke ad he gave me butterfly kisses.

"I don't think I trust that" I joked with him as I let myself down from around his waist.

I tried walking away but had two strong arms wrap around my waist. His head moved in between my neck as his plump lips pressed soft kisses all over it.

"Do I need to punish you for that?" his hot breath seductively spoke against the skin of my ear.

My knees became weak and my breathing was heavy. Morning sex doesn't sound too bad right now.

"Now I really don't want to eat it" I closed my eyes, imagining the things he could do to me.

His head raised away from me making my eyes open. I slightly turned; far enough to see him.

"Come on" his hand came in contact with my butt making me slightly jump. I was going to get him back for that.

I followed him into the large kitchen as the strong smell of bacon brushed through my nose.

The two plates that sat on the counter already had large amounts of food on them. As I walked closer, I was able to identify the other foods.

Steam flowed out of the scrambled eggs, whip cream rested on top of the golden pancakes and the bacon was still sizzling.

"Grayson this actually looks really good" I stood amazed with my mouth watering.

"Told ya bitch" he pressed his lips together, making a girly face as he flipped his non-existent long hair.

I looked up at him and laughed causing him to break character.

"Dig in" he stuck his hand out towards the food telling me that I didn't have to wait for him.

I quickly jumped up onto the bar stool without hesitation. I stuffed my face with the steaming eggs first, almost burning my mouth. I drowned the pancakes in syrup, suddenly craving something sweet. I cut them into large pieces as fast as I could, devouring their warmth.

"Take it easy" Grayson laughed at me as he sat down beside me, beginning to eat.

"Sorry" my voice was muffled, still having a mouth full of food.


1 week later

"I don't want to leave" I whined, looking up at Grayson.

"We still have a week what are you complaining about?" he laughed at my childish actions.

"It's just so amazing here" I looked back out into the water.

We sat on the porch that was built off of our bedroom. The bright sun beamed against the water, making its blue color seem more vivid. The light made my cheeks warm along with the rest of my exposed skin. The heat of the sun stopped where my shorts ended and continued at my torso; I was wearing a bathing suit top. Grayson was wearing a pair of swim trunks that purposefully hung dangerously low around his waist.

"Let's make the best out of the week we have" Grayson looked at me with a smirk.

"What do you mean" I giggled at his failure of using his words clearly.

He quickly stood up, scooping his left hand under my legs and his right hand against my back; picking me up bridal style.

I squealed at his sudden actions and he matched my giggles. He walked us back into our room and gently placed me on our large bed.

He climbed on top of me, moving in between my open legs.

His soft lips smashed onto mine as he let out a heavy breath of air. My hands moved up to his jaw, pulling him closer to me.

He trailed kisses down to my neck, sucking on the sensitive skin. His hips pushed against mine, causing me to let out a breathy moan. Grayson smirked against my wet skin, knowing that he was succeeding in teasing me.

His head slightly moved up, bringing his lips against my ear.

"Now it's my turn" his voice was low, sending shivers down my spine.

He removed his head from beside me and placed his lips back onto mine. His hands wondered down to the button of my shorts, unlatching it without effort.

My hands moved to the edge of his swim trunks, wanting his bottoms to come off too. He moved his hands away from me, completely ripping off his only piece of clothing.

I untied the strings of my top as quickly as possible, along with my bottoms. I wanted every part of him right now.

He hovered over me, staring down at my vulnerable state. He grazed his lips against mine and slowly moved down. His tongue moved across the skin of my chest as his lips caved around it.

My chest rapidly moved up and down, wanting to take in and cherish every slow moment.

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