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I walked into our room that had natural light peering through every window; not one artificial light was needed. Grayson was laying in our bed doing something on his phone. Still in my bathing suit, I jumped on top of him placing my knees on either side of his hips; he didn't react. I snatched his phone out of his hands placing in on the bed next to him, finally pulling his attention towards me.

"What was that?" I tried to be serious but I wasn't fooling anyone.

"What was what?" he tried to act oblivious to my question.

I smiled at how unbelievably cute he was being. I crashed my lips onto his as my hands rested on his chest. His hands made their way to my thighs as he kissed back. His arm moved to my back, quickly turning me so he was now on top of me.

"Finally" he smiled down at me.

His head moved to the skin of my neck becoming more aggressive. I tilted my head to the side, giving him more access to my skin while his body teasingly moved in between my legs. I brought his face up to mine, reconnecting our lips. My hands placed pressure against his chest, pushing him onto his back as my legs found their way on either side of him. I departed our lips and quickly sat up, still sitting on his lap as I looked at the confusion in his eyes. I slightly moved down, inching closer to his swim trunks. Delicate kisses were placed all down his stomach with purple bruises being left behind.

"I owe you" a smirk formed on both of our faces.

My fingers latched around the edge if his already loose swim trunks pulling them down with ease. After throwing them on the wooden floor, I firmly gripped the base of him making his muscles tense. My lips connected with his tip causing his hands to grip onto the creamy sheet of the soft bed.

Without warning, I took in all of him as once as a unexpected moan escaped his lips. Bobbing my head up and down, I quickened my pase. Small gags were released as he pushed my head down farther with both of his hands.

"Rose" his weak moans filled the air of the spacious room.

I could tell he was close to his high. I pulled away from him causing his eyes to open and his eye brows to narrow. I sat on his stomach placing my hands against his bare chest. Realizing what I was doing, his hand reached for the bow on the right side of my bikini bottoms. His other hand grabbed my jaw, pulling my swollen lips down onto his. His hand on my waist struggled while trying to untie the thin strings that rested tightly against my skin. I ripped them off without effort, becoming impatient.

"Do you have a condom?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Let's not use one tonight" his words took me off guard. He noticed the confusion on my face.

"It feels better without one" he explained his reasoning making me feel more comfortable.

I thought he didn't want to have kids for a while but it was his choice.

As my hand released the article of clothing onto the floor, I slid down onto him as I closed my eyes. His long groan of pleasure filled my ears causing me to throw my head back. I tried going as slow as possible, trying my best to tease him.

"Mmmmm" his deep voice hummed while his lips stayed together.

"What?" I tried acting oblivious, knowing exactly what I was doing.

"Such a tease" a small smile formed onto his lips as his grip on my thighs became tighter.

His beautiful hazel eyes never left my gaze. I stopped moving and deeply stared back at him. His right hand slid from my thigh to my waist and up to my back. He gripped the string to my top between his fingers. This time, slowly and with ease, he pulled at the thin fabric causing my whole top the loosen as it untangled. I reached behind my neck, pulling on the second string and letting my top fall from my chest into my hands. I threw it on the floor along with my bottoms.

I continued to move up and down in slow and steady motions. I could tell he wanted more and my teasing was getting out of hand.

His hands that rested on my thighs moved up to my back, flipping me over so that he was on top. He slammed into me without warning causing me to let out a loud and unexpected moan.

His thrusts quickened as he moved deeper and deeper. His bare chest rested against mine while one arm propped himself up and the other firmly held my waist down. My arms snaked under his arms and gripped his toned and sweaty back. I felt his hot breathes against my face as his plump lips dragged up and down mine.

His position slightly moved, making him hit my sensitive spot.

"Grayson" I moaned against his lips as I dug my nails into his back.

"Fuck" his slight change was a benefit for him too.

"Grayson" I screamed his name again, almost not being able to handle the amount of pleasure.

"Scream my name baby. No one can hear us" his voice was at a husky whisper.

I had a plan in mind. His daddy kinks were anything but a secret.

"Daddy" my moan was loud as I threw my head back, sending him over the edge.

His breath hitched as his eyes shut and his eye brows furrowed. His moans were loud, then decreased in volume with every sloppy thrust. I felt his warm liquids flow into me making my core tingle.

I felt the knot in my stomach begin to unravel and chills ran up my spine.

My back arched as my mouth formed an "o" shape. I slid my nails down his back, stimulating another one of his rough kinks.

I felt like I was floating on heaven's clouds. This was our first time having sex as a married couple and I never thought it would be this amazing.

He bite his bottom lip as his arms moved around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

He pulled out and fell on top of me, out of breath. Our chests vigorously raised and fell together as we took in deep breaths.

"I'm so fucking glad I married you" he spoke in between breaths.

"Why?" I slightly chuckled.

"Because you're so unbelievably amazing"

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