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Grayson and I finally finished the basement after long and stressful hours of hard work. A lot of time and money was put into this but both of us are very happy with the outcome.

 A lot of time and money was put into this but both of us are very happy with the outcome

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While we were working together, Grayson and I became much closer to each other. I got to learn a lot about him and I told him many things about me too. We shared those deep dark secrets that we don't tell anyone and we shared those stupid small things that always make us laugh.

Each day that passed, I could feel myself falling more and more in love with him.

Grayson and I stood at the corner of the room, admiring our amazing work.

"We only have one more day until school starts. Let's have a movie night in here to celebrate our success" Grayson said walking over to the couch and laying down.

"I like how you think Dolan" I said walking over to the couch and jumping on him.

We both laughed as my legs made their way on either side of his torso. My arms rested on his shoulders as his hands crept up my thighs.

I stopped myself knowing that it was too soon to be doing this with him.

I got up and started the movie while Grayson went upstairs to get stuff like popcorn and drinks.

My last night of summer was great and I'm glad I got to spend it with Grayson.


-4 months later-

It's been a while since school started but I'm glad to say that I'm in my senior year so I won't have to set foot on a high school campus for the rest of my life after I graduate.

It's finally my favorite season of all too. Winter.

There's nothing better than curling up in my bed with layers of blankets and a hot chocolate while watching an old Christmas movie.

It's also now safe to say that I am madly in love with Grayson Bailey Dolan.

He makes me feel like no one has ever made me feel before. I smile at the sound of his name and I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack every time I hear his soothing deep voice.

I've never felt so comfortable around anyone in my life. Not even my mom. I feel like I can be myself around him and he will love me no matter what. At least I hope he does.

The weather man said it was supposed to start snowing tomorrow so I was planning on skipping school to enjoy my first snow day in my new home town.

My mom was fine with it but she was still going to go to work so I could have some time to myself. She's the best mom in the world.

I went to bed pretty late tonight considering I didn't have to wake up early. I didn't feel that tired anyways so I just sat on my phone for a while. It was late but I decided to text Grayson.




you should come over tomorrow|

|after school?

i'm not going. i want to stay home for| the snow day

|then i guess i'm not going either :)))

then i'll see ya tomorrow|

I closed my phone and set it on my night stand with a smile. I got up out of bed and walked over to my window wall and pulled the curtains back. I stared out and looked up at the star filled sky.

This place is so beautiful. To be honest, I was a little nervous about moving here but I've grown to love it. Grayson's cute smile crossed my mind and I began to smile uncontrollably. He's my best friend, my strength, my love. I just hope he feels the same way about me.

I push myself out of my thoughts and slowly walk back over to my bed, pulling the comforter over me and closing my eyes.


I slowly wake up, but keep my eyes closed. I notice that there are a pair of muscular arms wrapped tightly around my waist and a head lightly resting against my back. I smile, feeling comfortable but quickly frown, realizing I obviously didn't go to bed with anyone.

I slowly turn around not wanting to alarm whoever it was that was in my bed. I lay my eyes on the familiar soft face of my best friend. My tense muscles quickly relaxed knowing I had nothing to worry about.

Grayson was still asleep. I turned around facing him with his arms still wrapped around me. I place one hand on his chest and one delicately rested on his cheek. I slid my thumb along his cheek, feeling his soft skin. My thumb trailed down to his lips as I admired how plump and pink they were.

Grayson's eyes began to flicker open as a smile grew across my face. His eyes fulling opened and looked down at me. He smiled and tightened his grip around me; bringing me closer to him.

"Good morning" I said softly.

"Good morning" he said in his sexy morning voice.

"How did you get in my house?" I asked trying to pry out of his grasp.

He let go and I sat up with my legs crossed.

"Your mom let me in this morning" he said sitting up with me.

"You've been here that long?" I said laughing at him in shock.

"Well after you texted me at like 2 in the morning, I couldn't go to sleep" he said frowning at me.

"After a while I came by knowing that your mom would probably be up for work" he said smiling.

"And you decided go sleep in my bed?" I asked but I wasn't complaining.

"Come on you loved waking up to my beautiful face" he joked, caressing his face with the palms of his hands.

I laughed and got out of bed, shaking my head. I walked over to my window again and saw small white specks begin to fall from the sky. I smiled wide.

"Grayson... It's snowing" I said not being able to take my eyes off of the view.

I heard him get out of my bed and walk up behind me. I felt his arms slowly wrap around my waist.

"It's beautiful" I said not really paying attention to Grayson's actions.

"Not as beautiful as you" he said while his warm lips brushed against the soft skin of my neck.

My smile went away as I felt myself getting weak in my knees, realizing what was going on.

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