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His plump lips pressed against my skin making me mentally whimper. I can't believe this is happening. My breathing becomes a little heavy. I turn around, facing him and wrap my arms around his neck while staring deep into his beautiful hazel eyes. Our faces were inches away from each other.

He started to lean in, making my heart feel like it was about to tear out of my chest. He crashed his lips onto mine while his strong arms pulled me closer to his chest. I have never felt so safe in my life.

Our lips moved together in a perfect rhythm. His two soft lips were consuming me and it felt amazing. I pulled back and looked deep into his eyes with our foreheads pressed together. We both tried to catch our breath while his hands moved up and down my back.

"I've been waiting to do that for a while" he whispered with a smirk.

I blushed and connected our lips again. They slowly moved in sync as my fingers brushed through his soft hair. The kisses became more heated as our breathing started to become heavy. I bit Grayson's bottom lip and slowly pulled away.

I pried myself from his grip and walked out if my room. I heard Grayson huff behind me and I knew I had succeeded in teasing him.

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen to make us some breakfast. After getting everything out, I heard Grayson come down the stairs and walk up behind me. His large arms wrapped around my waist as he rested his head on my shoulder. He let out a throaty groan.

"You're just gonna leave me like that?" he asked, pressing his lips against my neck.

I turned around facing him and snaked my arms around his neck while his arms remained tight around my waist.

"Well who else was going to cook breakfast?" I asked inching closer to his lips.

"I could have" he said smiling.

I laughed, letting him go and turning back around continuing to make breakfast.

"What?" he asked trying to turn me back around.

"You? Cooking? That's a disaster waiting to happen Grayson" I said still chuckling.

"What are you talking about? My cooking is amazing" he said seeming offended.

"Whatever you say" I said with a wide smile.

I finished breakfast and it didn't take us long to finish eating. We were sitting on the couch, watching tv when I broke the silence.

"So what do you want to do today that isn't boring" I said sounding sarcastic.

"Well I was planning on maybe going to the mall. My parents want to have a fancy get - together at their house tomorrow and I needed some new clothes for that." he said getting up and grabbing his keys.

"I hope you find what you need" I said a little disappointed that he was leaving.

"What? No, you're coming with me" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me off of the couch.

I laughed and followed him to his car. We arrived at the mall and went into almost every store considering we had the whole day to ourselves. After leaving a store where we found nothing, Grayson dragged me to a woman's store.

"What are we doing here? I thought we needed clothes for the dinner" I said looking at him confused.

"We do. I want you to come with me" he said smiling and looking down at me.

"You want me to intrude on your family dinner?" I asked a little hesitant about his offer.

"I told my parents all about you and it was actually their idea for you to come. They really want to meet you Rose" he said with passion in his eyes.

"Really?" I asked now excited.

He nodded and lead me over to where the dresses were. I picked out a few and tried them on. The first one was pretty but I didn't like how the color looked on me.

"I like the white one better" Grayson said as he looked me up and down after I walked out of the dressing room

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"I like the white one better" Grayson said as he looked me up and down after I walked out of the dressing room.

I smiled in agreement and changed back into my normal clothes. Grayson and I walked to the cashier counter and set down my dress and his dress clothes. The lady behind the counter looked up and smiled at Grayson. Grayson noticed and turned towards me, giving me an "I feel uncomfortable" look.

I stared at her and waited for her to look back up at me. When she did, I gave her a "what the fuck" look. Her wide smile turned into an embarrassed frown.

After we payed, I snatched our clothes, pissed and walked out of the store with Grayson.

"I was about to punch that bitch in the face" I said irritated as we walked through the thin layer of snow and reached Grayson's car.

"Calm down babe. She just thought I was hot" he said opening my door for me.

"I know but it pissed me off" I told him when he got in on the drivers side.

Grayson started the car, pulled out onto the main road and rested his hand on my bare thigh, reassuring me that everything was ok. I looked up at him and smiled. I got a genuine smile in return.

I texted my mom on our way home, letting her know that I was going to be having dinner with Grayson's family.


hey momma just wanted to let you| know that Grayson's parents invited me over for dinner tomorrow

|that's great honey. I always knew you guys would get together at some point

I smiled at my mom's response and focused my eyes back onto the road.

Tomorrow was the big day. Even though it was a dinner, I wanted to get to bed a little early.


"I'm ready to crash" I said looking over at Grayson who was sitting on my couch while walking over to the stairs. Grayson got up and walked with me up the stairs and into my room.

I walked into my room facing my bed, not really wanting to lay in it. I stared at the comforters as I heard Grayson walk in behind me. I once again felt his muscular arms wrap around my waist.

"Are you sure you want to go to bed so early?" he asked grazing his soft lips against the skin of my neck.

I tilted me head to the side giving him more access to my skin. My breathing became heavy as he started sucking on my warm skin.

"Well we do have that dinner tomorrow" I said in an uneasy whisper.

His hands gripped me tighter and started moving closer to my special place as he continued to make purple spots on my neck. I let out a soft moan.

"But a few minutes wouldn't hurt" I said feeling my knees becoming weak.

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