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"Jeremy?" my fallen face grew into a huge grin as I realized who it was.

"Hey little sis" he showed me a smile as big as mine.

I ran into his open arms, embracing him and his warm comfort. I felt his warm tears fall onto on my bare shoulder.

"I missed you so much Jer" I started tearing up.

He pulled back with happiness in his eyes.

"I missed you more than anything" a tear fell down his cheek as he cupped his hands against my cheeks.

"Don't cry, you're going to make me ruin my makeup" I giggle as I wiped the slight wetness from under my eyes, trying not to smudge my makeup.

He chuckled while wiping away his own tears.

"What are you doing here?" I asked even though it was obvious that I was getting married.

"My sister's getting married" he plainly said like he wasn't talking about me.

I giggled at his jokes and continued to question him.

"Where will you be sitting?" I asked as I sat down to put my heels on.

"Well after I walk you down the aisle-" I cut him off.

"You're what?!" I screamed in shock, standing up now almost as tall as him from the added height of my heels.

"I'm walking you down the aisle" his smile grew.

I jumped into his arms once again, feeling his large arms wrap around my waist. He chuckled into my neck and pulled back.

"Since you've never met our dad, when mom called me and told me you were getting married I wanted to be the one to give you to Grayson" he took my hand into his looking at me with sympathetic eyes.

"I love you Jer" I said returning the same facial expression.

"I love you too Rose" another tear fell down his cheek but he quickly wiped it away.

"Ok now let's go get you married" he said raising his mood and taking my hand in his.

He led me over to the two glass double doors that led out to the aisle. Before my mom opened the door for us, Kristine fixed any loose hairs or smudged mascara.

I could see everyone sitting and waiting. I couldn't see Grayson in the distance at the end of the aisle but I imagined how amazing he looks. The aisle was wide and long with white petals laid along the edges. The trees that surrounded it arched over the top, making it enclosed. Lights were wrapped around the trunks of the trees, shining their warm light.

Sarah and Ethan walked down the aisle with their arms latched together making the edges if my lips curve up into a smile

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Sarah and Ethan walked down the aisle with their arms latched together making the edges if my lips curve up into a smile. They let go if each other; Ethan made his way desire Grayson and Sarah stood beside them, leaving enough room for me.

"Ready?" my mom softly spoke as she placed her hand on my bare shoulder, making me look towards her.

I nodded taking in a deep breath as Kristine handed me my bouquet of white roses. Jeremy gave me a calming smile, putting his arm out. I nervously wrapped my small arm around his, looking at him with a small smile. I hear Grayson and I's favorite slow song begin to play on the other side of the doors. (Night Bus by Lucy Rose)

My heart began to pound to the point that I was worried that Jeremy could hear it. My mom grabbed the handles of the doors and looked back at me. I gave her a large smile reassuring her that I was ready. She smiled back and slowly opened the doors and stepped back. All heads turned towards me with smiles grew on each of them. I stepped down the few steps that were in front of me, meeting the level of the guests. Everyone stood, turning their bodies to face me.

My eyes met with Grayson. His face had shock written all over it. His mouth was slightly open and his eyes were wide. He stood with his hands in front of him and his feet spread evenly apart. My cheeks flushed a light pink as my lips curved up into a smile. He readjusted himself, closing his mouth and straightening his posture.

I walked one foot in front if the other, trying not to fall on my face. I wasn't used to heals. A smile spread across Grayson's face as I got closer. I could tell he was trying to hold back his tears. I shared his struggle. His jaw was now tense and his eyes became red. I looked over to the pastor that was going to be marrying us. He looked at me as if I was his daughter; his smile was warm and his eyes looked softly upon be.

I looked up to Jeremy who was already staring down at me with a smile. I lightly inhaled with a smile and turned back to Grayson. A tear slid down his soft cheek but was quickly wiped away by one of his hands. My eyes scanned the seats of the guests as I slowly made my way closer to Grayson. Many friends and relatives sent me warm smiles. Some were crying and others looked like they couldn't contain their excitement. My mom had already hurried to her seat next to Kristine in the front row. She didn't have to hold her tears back at this point. Her cheeks were stained from her tears as water continued to pour down her face. Seeing her cry tears of joy made me happy.

I turned my head, meeting Lisa's gaze. She was crying too; Sean rubbed his hand up and down her back also sharing her excitement. Cameron send me a look of exhilaration.

I stood in front of Grayson as Jeremy loosened his grip from my arm. He smiled and placed a soft kiss on my forehead. He gripped Grayson's shoulder, giving him a smile and walking over to his seat next to my mom.

Everyone lowered their bodies, sitting back down in their wooden chairs. Grayson gave me a large smile; not looking away from my eyes. He grabbed one of my hands while the other held onto my flowers.

"We are gathered here today by the unbreakable love of two young individuals" the pastor spoke, getting everyone's attention.

"They met in a small coffee shop only five miles from here. They instantly became best friends and soon became lovers. Nothing got in their way" he stopped and looked at both of us with a smile; then continued. "I believe they both have written their vows. Rose, why don't you go first" he put the attention towards me.

I turned around, giving my flowers to Sarah so I could hold both of Grayson's hands. His large warm hands made my nervous cold hands more comfortable.

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