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Today my mom had given me the permission to design her room.

I kicked her out of her room because I wanted to surprise her with the outcome.

I walked down the stairs and walked over to my mom who was sitting on the couch

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I walked down the stairs and walked over to my mom who was sitting on the couch.

"It's done" I said smiling and grabbing her hand as she got up and started walking with me up the stairs.

We finally got to the end of the hall and I slowly opened her door, letting the suspense build up.

She gasped in amazement and trailed her eyes all around the room.

"Rose it's amazing. I can't believe it" she said turning toward me and giving me a tight hug.

"I'm glad you like it mom" I said smiling, happy with my success in pleasing her.

"I love it" she said walking over to her bed and sitting on the edge, admiring the beauty of her new room.

She got up and ran towards me, giving me another big hug.

I had time to do a room that didn't need much work since it was pretty much done when we moved here; the kitchen.

I had time to do a room that didn't need much work since it was pretty much done when we moved here; the kitchen

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-next day-

I told Grayson about how much I was obsessed with interior design and that I designed the whole house.

He texted me today saying that he wanted to come over and see it. I agreed, excited about his curiosity of something that I love to do.

12:35 pm

I was sitting upstairs in my room when I heard a knock at the door. I knew it was Grayson.

"I'll get it" I yelled to my mom who was downstairs.

I ran down the stairs as my mom was walking up them.

She laughed at my excitement.

I sped over to the door and quickly stopped myself not wanting to run into it and fall on my ass.

I mentally laughed at myself and slowly opened the door to see a beautiful smiling boy on the other side.

"Hi" I said with a goofy smile.

"Hey" Grayson said laughing at me.

"What?" I said laughing with him, a little confused.

"I heard you rushing down the stairs" he said with a wide smile.

"Oh you heard that?" I said feeling my face become heated and my cheeks flush with a red shade.

I awkwardly backed out of the way to let him in. He walked in and his eyes trailed along the walls.

"Wow this looks amazing" he said smiling, showing his teeth.

"You really think so?" I said blushing.

"I want you to design our house" he jokingly said referring to his and Ethan's house.

I giggled and led him into the kitchen that was now finished.

"Wow it looks so warm and cozy in here. Like it's easy to make myself at home" he said leaning against the countertop.

"Ok now come look at the bathrooms" I said grabbing his arm, getting so excited to show him.

I led him up the stairs and into the guest bathroom.

I then led him to my room.

"And this is my sanctuary" I said flopping onto my fluffy bed.

He laughed at me and walked over to my window.

"Wow I've lived in Jersey for a long time and I've never seen a view quite like this" he said with warmth in his eyes.

"I really like it here" I admitted walking over to the window, standing next to him and again looking out at my amazing view.

"Good" he said turning his big hazel eye toward me.

I looked into his eyes and smiled.

"I found something" I said grabbing his hand and again dragging him to our next destination.

I ran down the stairs and opened the door to a small, unused closet close to the room where we do laundry.

I opened the door to the closet and walked in. I turned around and looked at a confused Grayson.

"What are you doing?" he said slightly giggling.

"Come look at this" I said slowly opening the secret door that led us down into the basement.

I looked back at Grayson while walking down the stairs who seemed entranced in my findings.

"You found this after moving in?" he asked.

"Ya it wasn't in the description of the house when we bought it" I said looking around at the huge empty space.

"Have you thought about doing anything to it yet?" he asked looking back at me.

"Well I was hoping you could help me" I said sincerely smiling and looking deep into his eyes.

"I would love to" he said seeming excited.

"Lets start today" he said rushing back up the stairs while I followed.


It's been a few weeks since Grayson and I started on the basement and it's actually almost done. We were hoping to get it finished before school started.

We had only two more days to get it finished before we had to go back to school.

We were both loading some things down into the basement when I accidentally bumped into Grayson.

"Oh.. I'm sorry" I said trying to move out of the way.

He moved into the same direction that I did, making me bump into him again.

"Sorry" I said with an embarrassed chuckle.

I looked up into his eyes passionately. He brought his hand up to my face and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, smiling with his face inches away from mine.

A loud noise came from the top of the stairs.

"It's getting pretty late guys" my mom said barging in.

I groaned and turned to face the stairs.

"Ok mom we'll be up soon" I said annoyed.

"Guess you better get going" I said looking back at Grayson.

"I guess so" he said smiling and walking past me.

"But we'll definitely finish this tomorrow" he assured me and closed the door, leaving me alone in the basement that was now full of furniture.

I was a little sad that summer was coming to an end but that was only because I had to go back to school. And not just school, a new school.

I haven't even started school yet and I can't wait for winter break.

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