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I pulled away from him, pulling down the straps of my dress. My head turned to the side, not making complete eye contact.

"Help me?" I turned my head back around, closing my eyes and waiting for his warm touch.

The soft sound of his foot steps grew closer to me until I felt his large hand on my shoulder. He moved his head in between my neck, inches away from my skin. His free hand gripped the zipper at the top of my dress, slowly pulling it down to the area right above my waist line; where it stopped. His lips stayed close to my soft skin as he pulled the straps down my arms, exposing my bare upper body. He gripped onto the clothing around my waist, pulling the rest of my dress down. I was wearing nothing but a pair of my favorite underwear. I felt the fabric of his suit graze against my bare back making me turn around to face him.

His eyes were glued to my chest. I moved my pointer and index finger to his chin to motion his gaze to my eyes. He roughly gripped my waist and pulling me against his chest, taking me off guard.

"Save it for the honeymoon" I whispered, leaving him in shock as I walked back into my closet, making sure to sway my hips.

I picked out some clothes that would be comfortable to wear on the plane; soft tights and a cropped sweatshirt. I walked out of my closet seeing a frustrated Grayson in front of me. His eyebrows were furrowed and his jaw was clenched. He had taken the jacket of his suit off and was aggressively zipping up my suit case. My expression soon became confused.

"What's wrong?" I showed him my confusion in the tone of my voice.

He looked up at me with an emotion that I couldn't point out but he didn't say anything. He straightened his posture and quickly walked over to me causing me to slightly back up. A look of fear and confusion swept over my glossy eyes. I stopped breathing when he slowly snaked his arms around small waist, bringing me against his chest.

"I want you now" he firmly whispered as his facial features softened while he looked down at me.

My tense muscles relaxed and slipped out of his lustful grasp.

"We can't be late for our flight" I sat down on my bed, slipping on my black vans.

He huffed in defeat, making me slightly smile from his frustration of not being able to have me.


We had finished packing both of our suit cases and said our goodbyes to our relatives. We were now on our way to the air port.

We made our way safely and quickly through security and onto the plane. Grayson walked behind me onto the plane letting me sit in the window seat.

"Please fasten your seat belts, we're getting ready to take off. Passengers prepared for your two hour flight to Florida" a woman spoke in a muffled tone but it was still able to be understood.


We got off of our plane in Florida and immediately got onto a plane that was going to take us straight to Brazil. Again, Grayson let me sit in the window seat as he sat in the seat closest to me.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats, fasten your seat belts and make sure your luggage is secure. Snacks and refreshments will come by shortly. Enjoy your eight hour flight to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil" a younger woman spoke over the speakers in a muffled tone but it was still able to be understood.

I turned to Grayson and smiled with tired eyes. He smiled back and rested his warm hand on my thigh.

"Wake me up when we get there" I sarcastically spoke causing him to chuckle while I rested my head against his shoulder.


My heavy eyes opened, seeing an orange light shine through the small window on my right.

It was sun rise.

I slowly moved my head to the left. My eyes landed on a peacefully sleeping Grayson; his head was back against his seat and his mouth was slightly open, letting out small breaths. A small smile crept onto my face as I gazed upon his perfect features. I looked out the window letting my eyes soak in the light that woke me up. My smile became wider from the sight of all the different colors blending together; the dark orange under the light orange that blended into a pink that reflected off of the clouds. I turned back to Grayson, placing my hand on his thigh.

"Grayson" I whispered close to his face, not being able to stop smiling.

He didn't move.

"Gray" my voice was a little louder this time as I slightly shook his arm.

His muscles tensed against my hands as his eyes flickered open. He took in a breath then closed his mouth, turning to me in confusion.

"Did we land?" he asked rubbing his eyes and fixing his posture.

"Not yet" I chuckled at his husky voice.

"Gray look" I turned my head, again looking out the window to the sun rise.

My smile became wide again as I turned to look back at Grayson's reaction. He smiled with his mouth closed and his eyes were filled with warmth. The orange tone of the sun was shining on his face, letting me get an amazing view of him. My eyes stayed glued on his beauty as a calm smile rested on my face.

"What?" he chuckled as he noticed that I was staring.

I slowly leaned in, placing a soft kiss on his smiling lips. The warmth of his lips made my body tingle. The woman spoke over the speakers, interrupting our moment.

"The plane will be landing shortly. Please gather your loose belongings and clean up any messes around you" she sounded tired.

My smile stayed present on my lips as I readjusted some things around me; folding the blanket I brought and picking up my half full bottle of water that was on the floor. The plane slightly shook, making me jump. We were coming to a stop as I looked out of the window seeing a pointed mountain in the distance. I looked at Grayson with a smile making him smile back before he unbuckled his seat belt.

The flight attendant spoke again in a more calming and energetic tone.

"Passengers, welcome to Rio"

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