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We walked through the big glass doors that led us into the lobby of the hotel. The man behind a large desk looked up at us with a smile as we approached him.

"Hola, how can I help you?" his high spirited accent questioned us.

"Hi, I called earlier and purchased your finest suite. My name is Grayson Dolan" Grayson took me off guard.

"You bought their best suite" I looked at him with shock.

"The finest suite for the finest girl" his cute smile appeared on his lips as his finger gently tapped my nose, causing me to blush.

"Yes, Mr. Dolan. You purchased the suite that on the next island. The private suite correct?" he wanted to be sure about the purchase catching me even more off guard.

Another look of shock swept over my face as I looked back up at Grayson. He showed me his precious smile again.

This boy us ridiculous.

He handed Grayson the keys to our suite and said goodbye. We walked outside and out to the boat ramp. An older man approached us with a welcoming smile.

"Mr. and Mrs. Dolan?" he questioned.

"Yes sir" Grayson answered him.

"I'll be taking you to your suite. It's just over there" he pointed to an island that seemed empty.

We got onto his small boat and sat close next to each other. The boat moved at a calming speed; relaxing my nerves. I ran my fingers through the crystal blue water, letting the chilling feeling soak into my skin. I smiled, looking up at our destination as the cool breeze blew my hair back. I closed my eyes, inhaling the sweet smell of the trees. I turned to look at Grayson who had a wide smile and happy eyes. My smile grew at the sight of his joy.

Grayson took my hand, helping me out of the boat. My shoes sunk into the soft sand of the beach that led us to the suite. It looked more like a house. The outside was all wooden. The walls were connected by large windows that overlooked the blue seas. Naturally placed rocks rested along the edges of the house making it look like it was elevated. We stepped up the stairs as I heard the engine of the boat fade into the distance. The house was overall unbelievable. (visual reference above)

He unexpectedly swept me off of my feet making me squeal as we walked up the steps if the porch.

"Is this really necessary?" I giggled as he walked me through the glass doors and into the spacious living area.

"It is tradition after all" he spoke putting me down with a giggle.

"I can't believe you did this" I stated as I ran into his safe arms, feeling the warmth if them again.

He giggled into my shoulder as his arms wrapped around my neck.

"Anything for my beautiful bride" he pulled away, making my cheeks flush a pink shade.

Wow we just got married. I'm still trying to grasp the whole thought of that. He's one in a million. More like one in a billion. He is the one I love. His greatness inspires me. When I first saw him, I knew he was the one. He has changed me in so many ways that I can't even begin to describe. I would have died without him. He literally saved my life and I can't thank him enough for that.

I continued to walk around the atmosphere that we would be staying in for the next two weeks. All of the floors were wooden and all the room were very open; large windows were all throughout the house. I stared out of the window that acted as a wall in our bedroom. The large waves crashed against each other as the weak wind blew the palm fronds of the palm trees. A pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist. Grayson's chin rested against my shoulder.

"What do you want to do today?" the warmth of his whispers brushed against the skin of my neck.

"I want to do whatever you want to do" I closed my eyes knowing where this was going.

"We can break in the new bed" his smirk rubbed against my neck as his grip around my waist became tighter.

"Let's save that for tonight" I turned around to a disappointed face.

"You made me wait back in Jersey" he pouted his lip out like a child.

"You can last a few more hours" I walked away, moving towards my suitcase.

Without taking the time to unpack yet, I took out the yellow bikini that Cameron let me have. I held it up in front of my face with a smirk. Grayson smiled with me as he walked closer. When he reached me, he grabbed my wrists.

"How about no suits" he said it as a statement as he slowly slipped the suit from out if my hands.

I rolled my eyes, picking the suit up again and walking towards the bathroom. My green eyes studied the large room as I quickly tied the strings of my top. The floor was tile, the shower had stone walls and flooring and the tub was big enough for five people.

I walked out seeing Grayson already shirtless and in only his swim trunks. I smiled at the amazing sight that seemed like forever since I last saw it. He returned the gesture as he scanned my exposed body; licking his lips after. I walked passed him, gliding my fingers along his chest and slowly swayed my hips out onto the porch.

I walked out onto the sand, feeling its damp warmth seep through the spaces in between my toes. I stopped, taking in the beauty of it all. The sound of fast footsteps filled my ears and soon I was picked up off of the ground making me squeal. One of his arms gripped my back while the over wrapped around my legs. Before I was able to speak, his arms let go of me and I felt the cool water against my warm skin. My feet pushed against the ground making my head break through the surface of the silky liquid; quickly gasping for air. I wiped my wet hair out if my face, hearing small laughs come from beside me.

"What was that for?!" I screamed with a huge smile on my face.

I rushed over to him jumping on his shoulders, making his laughs cut off from the lack of air. I laughed to myself knowing he couldn't hear me. I let go making him quickly come up for air. This time it was my turn to let out my giggles.

"You're going to pay for that" he smirked, slowly pushing through the water to get to me.

"Oh really?" I calmly spoke, letting my hands snake around his neck.

His arms griped around my waist, picking me up and letting my legs wrap around his torso. His lips became close to mine as our foreheads came together and the heat of our bodies connected. I closed my eyes waiting for his contact. His soft lips pressed onto mine, sending chills all throughout my body. My hands moved to his jaw, bringing him closer to me. He let go, rushing back to the sand. I huffed in frustration, quickly trying to catch up to him without succeeding.

I noticed him walk back into our room through the sliding glass door. When I reached the house, I remained on the porch drying myself off.

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