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"So what do you want to do before we go out to dinner?" Grayson asked as he let go of me and began cleaning up our mess.

"Beach?" I asked with wide eyes and a hopeful smile.

"Sounds like a plan" he said bringing me against his chest with one arm and planting a soft kiss on my lips.

"Ok I'll get everything together then I'll get dressed" I said walking over to the stairs.

"I'll be up soon" he reassured me.

I gathered the things we needed for the beach; things like sunscreen, towles, etc. Knowing Grayson would like it, I put on one of my new bathing suits that I bought with Sarah.

 Knowing Grayson would like it, I put on one of my new bathing suits that I bought with Sarah

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I put a white tank top and jean shorts over it.

"Ready?" I looked over at the now dressed Grayson as I walked out of my bathroom.

"Yes" he said with a smile and walked down the stairs behind me.

-skip beach trip-

It was close to sun set when we got home which ment we were running good on time for our dinner reservations. Grayson dropped me off at my house so I could get ready and he went back to his house.

I took a long and relaxing shower, washing my hair and drowning it in conditioner.

Tonight I had the opportunity to use my best makeup. Not too heavy thought. I don't want to look like a clown. Espessially not tonight.

I first curled my long brown hair that reached down to the middle of my back. I then took all the time I needed to apply my eye makeup perfectly. Using a natural color for my eyelids, I applied it along with eyeliner and mascara. And ladies always have to fill in their eyebrows unless they're blessed with dark full ones that don't even have to be touched. After I put on my dress, I tried finding heels that matched the best with it.

 After I put on my dress, I tried finding heels that matched the best with it

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When I looked in the mirror, I felt unusually confident. Grayson has changed me in these past three years and I honestly love it. My mom came in my room wanting to see my outfit that I refrained from showing her until now.

"Oh honey you look amazing" she said starting to tear up.

"Thank you mom" I said with a wide smile as she came over to give me a hug.

Our mother and daughter bonding was interrupted by a knock at the front door from down stairs. Knowing who it was, my mom ran out of my room to go answer it. A small chuckle left my mouth as I slowly followed her.

She had already greeted Grayson at the door with a hug when I got down to the bottom of the stairs. His eyes moved over to me and his jaw dropped.

"Wow.. um.. wow" was all he could say.

I let out a giggle as I tried to hide my blushing cheeks.

"You look pretty good yourself Dolan" I jokingly said as I walked over to him.

"I'll bring her home before 11" Grayson said to my mom, taking my hand.

"Oh Grayson you don't have to worry about that anymore. Now go have some fun" my mom pushed us out the door.

I mouthed a thank you to her before the door closed.

"You. Look. So. Sexy." Grayson said as he slowly spun me around.

"And you daddy, look like a snack" I said pulling him closer by his belt.

"And you daddy, look like a snack" I said pulling him closer by his belt

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He let out a soft groan and led me to his car.

"You still haven't told me where you're taking me" I said as he started the engine.

"And I'm still not going to tell you" he teasingly said, placing his right hand on my thigh.

I sighed impatiently, shaking my leg to the beat of the music from the radio.

We arrived at the restaurant and I was shocked. Grayson had made reservations at the most expensive restaurant in New Jersey. I looked over at him with passionate eyes. He returned a smile.

He walked around his car and opened the door for me. We walked through the large wooden doors and up to a man standing behind a podium.

"Reservations for Dolan" Grayson spoke with his fingers intertwined with mine.

"Right this way Mr. and Mrs. Dolan." the man said as he led us to our table.

I smiled at the way it sounded. Mrs. Dolan. I could get used to it.

-after expensive ass dinner-

"I want to take you somewhere" Grayson said as we walked out of the restaurant and back into his car.

"And where would that be?" I asked turning to him as he started the car.

"It's a surprise destination" he said with a suspicious smile plastered on his cute face.

"What is it with you and surprises?" I asked laughing.

I looked out the passenger side window as the car sped by. The streets looked so memorizing at night when the street lights were on. It was pretty late so not many cars were crowding the roads. My smile never left my face while my thoughts ran wild.

This night has been going so well. It could possibly be the best night of my life and it could only get better from here. I want to spend the rest of my life with this kid. He makes me who I am. And I'm now learning to love myself because of him. He has changed my life in so many ways that words can't come close to describing how thankful I am for him.

We soon pulled up to a cute area that looked vacant. It looked like a park that everyone had seemed to forget about. But I don't know why they would. It was beautiful.

"We're here" Grayson got out of the car, took my hand and started walking me over to the smaller "destination" area as he called it.

When we got closer, my cheeks became warm from the newly pleasant sight. We walked up to a small piece of grass. Lights were hanging all along the tall trees making the environment more comfortable.

"This is beautiful" I said with a smile, still admiring my surroundings.

"Not as beautiful as you" he said it the same way he did three years ago before we had our first kiss.

I turned to look at him and smiled with passion in my eyes.

"Don't get me wrong I love it here, but why did you want to bring me?" I asked curious.

"I wanted to tell you something"

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