Chapter 1 - Introductions

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As I listened to music, I realized that someone was being introduced. I looked in the corner of my eye and saw a girl.

She had medium length red hair and a small streak of white. Her eyes were a bright blue that twinkled like in anime.

Her name was Yuki.

When she finished her introduction, the teacher sat her next to me. When she sat down next to me it seemed as if she had a sweet aroma to her. Weird.

Later in class she dropped her pen and I picked it up for her. I then held it up high, teasing the girl.

"Shorty." I teased and she reaches for her pen. Then Garrett, my best friend, interrupted and ruined my fun.

"Don't be mean Calris, just give it back." He said.

I gave her back her pen and clicked my tongue. I enjoyed messing and teasing others. It was very entertaining.

Later in class, Garrett and Yuki started talking and she formally introduced herself to me. I also introduced myself to Yuki.

The three of us ended up talking the rest of the free period. She was surprisingly very cool and easy to talk to. Before I knew it, it turned into just me and her talking. She was interesting. Unlike other girls who cared for their looks and what not. This peaked my interest in her. Yuki you have peaked my interest...

Sorry for a really short chapter! This is what I had planned for an introduction to my story. Other chapters will be longer for sure, but I like to keep a little suspense too (*'*) I know the story isn't much right now, but trust me it picks up! The story is a little fast paced partially because this was supposed to be a quick romance read. Anyways but I'm still putting in my full effort for the story regardless! If any of you have thoughts on how I could make the story more enjoyable please tell me! I want to make sure you have fun reading my story! Hope you all enjoy!


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