Chapter 16 - Finally

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*Calris's pov*
As I entered the gym she was no where to be seen. A wave of relief hit me and I calmed down. It had seemed Haru, Katsuki, and Maku had gone back to their teams as well. I sat on the bench and watched as some other players sat on the floor and talked, or practiced.

How do I even confront her about this?

"Hey Naomi she all good?" I heard Otsuki ask and I turned to see Naomi and Yuki. She looked better. She wasn't all flustered and panicky like I was before.

"She's all good, and on the way here they told us that dinner is ready." She answered. I saw Yuki looking around then finally our eyes met.
We looked at each other and she gave a small smile. I went pink and my heart began to race.

"Okay well how about Yuki you go sit next to Calris, and we'll go tell everyone the news." Otsuki said.

"O-Okay." She said and moved towards me.
I saw Otsuki and Naomi give me smiles and Okay signs. Like that I was gonna help me right now.

She soon reached me and sat down beside me. There was a silence between us for a while.

"So..," She said as she swayed her legs back and forth and messed with her fingers.

"So.," I replied not knowing what to say back.
We both made no eye contact.

"I've been thinking... about what you said earlier and I wanted to ask if it was Uh... like if had asked me out.." she said and I turned to her.

"I-I don't know. I mean I'd like to, but..." I stuttered then realized I did it again.

She turned to look at me all red.

"N-not like this though! I- I wouldn't want to ask you like this!" I said, my body becoming warmer.

"You wanted to ask me out?" She asked calmly.

We looked into each others eyes and I looked down.

"Just not like this." I mumbled.

She gave a small laugh. I looked up to see her and she looked like we were talking normally. That made me happy.

"What?" I asked teasingly.

"Nothing it's just that technically you haven't really asked me." She smiled.

"That's true. Then I'll keep it in mind to ask you when it's right." I smiled back and she laughed.

"Are you two all better now?" I heard someone ask. We both looked up and saw Garrett smiling with his arms crossed. We then looked at each other, then back at him.

"I'd say we're better." I answered and she smiled in agreement.

"Good because I did NOT want to be stuck in an awkward silence between you too." He sighed. Like either one of us did.

"It looks like everyone is heading to eat. We should probably get going too." She said standing and stretching her arms.

We all agreed and headed over to the dining hall.


*Yuki's pov*
After dinner everyone left to the showers. I gathered my things and headed over with all the other girls. Everyone was chatting and relaxing. The steam felt nice after everything that had happened today.

Once I sat in the bath, it felt like I could fall asleep then and there. All of the other managers were there too and we were all talking about the practices or their team members. Then Naomi sat next to me.

"So how'd it go?" She asked me.
"It was good. We talked and I'd say we're back to normal." I answered.
"Wait normal? As in?"
"Normal as in were not all nervous around each other like before."
"Okay is your relationship normal?"
"It's normal. Nothing fancy."
"Oh jeez are you two dating Yuki?"
I laughed at how she was so driven to know.
"No were not dating Naomi."
"But I thought he asked you out!"
"He really didn't. He said he would but when it was the right time to ask, which was not in a gym with sweaty guys."
"Ohh! But he will ask?"
I cupped some water in my hands and watched it slip out from my hand. Thinking about how he would ask.
"I hope so.."
"Aw you're so cute Yuki!" She said hugging me.
We laughed and talked until it was time to get out.

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