Chapter 14 - The Long Awaited Match

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*Yuki's pov*
"Great work today everyone!" The coach said as we were all huddled together.
"Thank you coach!" We all said.
"You all worked hard today, so we're all done for today's practice!"
I breathed out, the first day was already done.
"Coach what about dinner?" Some one Asked.
"It'll be ready when they call us down. For now just stay here until they say something."
Everyone nodded. I saw Calris and Garrett and walked over to them.
"So how's it feel to have your first day done?" I asked them. They turned to look at me.
"Great!" Garrett said.
"Tiring." Calris sighed.
"Well you still have 8 more days to go." I said.
"Yeah." Calris yawned and set his head on mine. Jeez why does he have to be this tall!
"Yuki!" I heard someone call. I saw Katsuki and Maku walk over to me.
"What's up guys?" I asked and Katsuki held my hand.
"C'mon we still have to surprise the team!" Katsuki smiled.
"Oh that's right! Hey guys I'll be right back!" I said and Calris moved his head away.

*Calris's pov*
As I saw her hold his hand I growled.
"C'mon we still have to surprise the team!" He said smiling.
"Oh that's right! Hey guys I'll be right back!" She said and I hesitated on moving, but I did.
I watched them leave to the other side of the gym where the Fukurodani team was. I then got a feeling of sadness just watching her leave I said earlier.
"Hey she's not leaving forever." Garrett said patting my back. I have him a weak smile and then kept my eyes on what was happening.
The two guys kept her behind them and called his team together. Then they moved and everyone cheered and hugged her. I then looked away, I felt uncomfortable watching. After a few minutes, I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Garrett.
"She's coming back." He said and I looked at her. She actually was coming back. I felt like a dog when it's owner comes home for the day.
"Hey guys do you wanna play on our 3 vs 3?" She asked.
"Yeah!" Garrett said and I nodded.
"Great! I'm going to be on Katsuki's team with Maku. We just need one more person for your team." She said. My happy feeling went down a little because she wasn't on our team, but then again I did make a promise.
"What about that guy from last night?" Garrett asked.
"You mean Haru?" She asked.
"Yeah! What about him?" He said.
"I'll go ask!" She said and walked off trying to find him.
"Haru?! But that guy tried to make a move on her I'm sure!" I told Garrett and he laughed.
"Exactly so act more like a boyfriend and be protective. Show what's yours."
"Dude I'm not her boyfriend nor an animal."
I sighed crossing my arms.
"I'd bet you'd like to be." He smirked.
"W-well who knows! That's her decision not mine!" I mumbled.
"Who said I was talking about being her boyfriend?~" he grinned.
My eyes widened and my mouth opened, but words didn't come out.
"Exactly. Anyways I mean I don't understand why you two aren't together already to be honest." He sighed.
"What do you mean?" I asked tilting my head.
"Well come on just look at how you two are Calris. You guess mess with each other, have nicknames, you guys are always together and you guys both turn red at anything referring to one another about love or something!" He said.
"We do not mess with each other!"
"What about last night when you were tired and leaned on her and she joked around."

"Well we do not have nicknames for each other!" I said.
He raised an eyebrow.
"Last time I checked, Shorty isn't Yuki's name and Idiot isn't yours."

"Well we're not always together!" I said crossing my arms.
"You stayed outside making up for a while, you stayed to help her out and walk home everyday together. AND you always talk after a game finishes."

"Well we do not turn red when referring to...that!"
"You just did it!" He said and I could feel myself warmer.
"J-just shut up alright! It's like I said earlier, it's not my decision it's hers." I grumbled.
Garrett laughed.
"Just gonna say it now, you two are really cute when your together though."
"What?!" I said turning red. He laughed and Yuki walked back with Haru.
"Hey Haru!" Garret greeted.
"Hi, so I guess I'm on your team." He smiled.
"Yeah!" He said and Haru looked at me. I have a small smile to be nice and quickly looked at Yuki who was calling Katsuki and Maku over.
"Okay we're ready to start!" She said and Katsuki smiled.
"Alright! Let's start then!" Katsuki said and we all went to the opposite sides...


"Katsuki!" She shouted as she set the ball almost perfectly to him. Haru and I stood in front and jumped up to block. The ball got stuffed by us and slammed into their side.
"Good block you two!" Garrett cheered.
"Thanks." Haru said. I gave a smile and returned back to the game. It felt nice blocking his spikes. It made me feel better.
"Server up!" Haru yelled and Yuki was serving. I'd never seen her serve before.
She hit the ball down and caught it in her hands. Does she even know how?
She then moved back and put out her arm, tossing up in front of her. Then she ran forward and leapt. A jump serve!?
She hit the ball and launched it to our side straight to me.
"Nice serve!" Maku yelled.
I received it, but not perfectly. It had power.
So much power that when I received it it went to their side. Maku received it and it went straight to Yuki, who was already at the net, Ready for the set.
"Get us a point Katsuki!" She shouted and set the ball to him again.
"Got it!" He shouted in response leaping up. Again, Haru and I jumped for the block. I didn't want him to score so I tried my best to block him. The ball slammed through us and I clicked my tongue.
"Yeah!" He shouted and high fived Yuki.
"Nice Katsuki!" Maku said. Tch.
"We'll get him next time!" Garrett said. We nod and return back.

Katsuki's Team - Calris's Team
7 7
8 7
9 7
9 8
9 9

We were both at set point. Yuki had said they didn't play with advantages so who ever got the next point wins.
"Server up!"
I moved back and spun the volleyball in my hands. I tossed up the ball and hit it over the net, a bit short.
I saw Yuki receive it and launch it back over to our side.
Haru received it and sent it to Garrett.
"Make this count Calris!" He shouted and set me the ball. I leapt up and slammed the ball, only to received by Maku who sent it to Yuki.
"Send it over Yuki!" Katsuki shouted, but she didn't. Our eyes met for a split second and I saw her look over to our side. I looked at her hands which were slightly curved. She was going to do a setter dump! I quickly reacted when she tossed the ball over the net. I bumped it over to Garrett.
"Good reading Calris!" Garrett shouted and set the ball for Haru. He slammed the ball down only to be received again, but by Katsuki. It flew over to us again and Haru bumped it to Garrett.
"Garrett!" I called as I locked in and jumped. I saw Katsuki and Maku jump in front, trying to block me. The ball was shot directly to my palm and I grinned. I hit the ball as hard as I could and it hit the floor. This time without being received. I landed and Garrett slapped my back.

"Nice spike!" He smiled and I wiped sweat away.
"Awe man we lost!" Katsuki said pushing his hair back.
"It's okay, at least we got to play with Yuki!" Maku said patting his shoulder.
"You guys did great though!" I heard Yuki say. I though she was talking to the other guys, but she was talking to my team. I looked at Yuki. Then she smiled. I smirked.

"You're not so bad yourself shorty." I teased as I held onto the net.
"Wah a compliment?~" She smirked back.
"Oh I mean if you don't want it I'll take it back." I teased.
"No no! Don't take it back!" She laughed.
"Yuki!" I heard Katsuki shout. We both looked over at him.
"Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend!" He said and we both went red.

Garrett bursted out laughing.
"K-Katsuki were not d-dating!" She stuttered and quickly turned to me. I felt a chill run down my spine and panicked.
"W-Well I mean..," I stuttered and looked away. Wait why did I say that!?
"Wha!?" She said her face pure red, it looked like she short circuited. I broke her.
"Holy crap, Calris you broke her!" Garrett laughed, clearly enjoying the show.
"I-I didn't mean to!" I said turning just as red. I think I short circuited as well.
"Katsuki you broke both of them!" Maku said.
"I only asked a question!" He said.
As they laughed and we made eye contact and immediately turned away.
"Okay you guys let's calm down a bit." Otsuki said walking over and patting our backs.
"Y-Yeah how about I take Yuki to the restroom for a bit." Naomi said as she joined as well and directed Yuki to the restroom.
Thank god for third years.
"Yeah and Calris can just sit down." He said and Garrett walked over and playfully hit my shoulder.
"Way to go Calris." He teased. I was just stunned that I couldn't even respond.

I'm an idiot.

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