Chapter 7 - Nekoma Captain Is Too Close

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*Calris's pov*
"Hey get up" I heard someone say. I opened my eyes and saw Garrett. "Wha?" I heard Yuki yawn. "C'mon get up lovebirds, we gotta get off the bus." He said, smiling when he said lovebirds. Lovebirds? I looked at her and realized I still had my arm around her. Flustered, I moved my arm and I saw her blush. "Hurry up you two. I've been trying to wake you guys up forever." He sighed. We stood up and stretched. She walked past me and I gathered my things together. I peered at Yuki and saw her struggling to get her bag off of the shelves at the top. Shorty. "Do you need some help Yuki?" another player asks her. What?
"Hm? Yes do you mind getting my bag for me." she asks back. Garrett and I take notice. "Sure." he answered and lifted Yuki up by her waist. She lifted her arms and grabbed her bag. The player let her down and ruffled her hair. "You're so short it's cute ." he teased. "Uh huh, sure." she laughed. "Well you want me to carry your bag for you?" he asked her. "No I think I'll be fine, thanks for offering." she answers. Then he walked away and she turned to us. "You could've asked me to get it.." I mumbled. "Yeah or me. I could've lifted you up." Garrett adds. "Oh jeez stop being jealous and hurry up." she teased as she walked away. Jealous? I'm not jealous I'm just trying to be considerate. Psh jealous yeah right..

*Yuki's pov*
When the Calris and Garrett got off the bus with some others, I tell them that the captain of Nekoma is introducing himself to everyone.
"We're doing introductions this early?" Garrett yawned.
"I guess so." I said as I shivered. It was actually pretty cold here. I opened up my bag and was about to pull out my jacket when the captain walks over to me. "Hi welcome to Tokyo, I'm the captain, Haru from Nekoma. I presume that you're one their managers?" he asks. "Hello I'm Yuki and yes. I'm one of the new managers." I smile and zip my bag back up to not be rude.  Then I slightly start shaking from the cold night breezes. "Are you cold Yuki?" he asks. I nod. "A bit but it's okay I have mine in my-" I was cut off by Haru taking off his track suit jacket and placing it around me. "I can hold your bag while you put your arms through." he said. "Are you sure? I mean I have-" " it's fine." He said smiling. I look at him and I hand him my bag. I didn't want to be rude so I then slip my arms through and the sleeves which go over my hands and the jacket goes down to mid thigh. I see Calris through the corner of my eye. He looks a little aggravated.  Haru laughs and I ask what's so funny.
"It's that you're so small in my jacket it's cute." he smiled.
"Well I mean you guys are way taller then me." I smiled and laughed.
"Hey maybe you should finish introductions." Calris barked.
"Oh yeah that's right, well I'll go finish introducing myself to everyone and then we'll take you all inside so just wait a little longer." he said as he handed me my bag back.
"Okay thank you for the jacket" I answered. "It's no problem. I'll see you in a bit." then he smiled and moved to the next person which was actually Calris and Garrett.

After Haru finishes with Calris and Garrett, they turn to me. "You could've borrowed my jacket." Calris growled. "I honestly could've, but you know what?" I ask. "What?" They both Asked. "I could've used my own." I said pointing to my bag. "Why didn't you tell him?" Calris Asked. "I was but he just kept cutting me off and then I didn't want to be rude." I said. "Jeez sometimes your too nice to people you just meet." Calris said, ruffling up my hair. I looked up at him and I saw a small smile.
"Hey can we go inside once we've met him already?" Garrett asked.
"No we have to wait." I answered as Calris played with my hair. Then he pulled a strand.
"Sorry my bad." He said rubbing my head.
"I don't wanna wait out here!" Complained Garrett.
"I don't want to either, but we have to."
"Hmph" He said crossing his arms.

When Haru finishes introductions, everyone was invited inside of the place where we would be staying. We all got a small tour of the place and then everyone separated into their rooms. All the girls stayed in one big room while the guys stay in a big room as well. Everyone settled in quickly so they could head to sleep.

As I walked back from the restroom, I heard somebody talking. "Haru are you sure you can set up everything by yourself?" someone asks. "Yeah I have some energy left. And it's just the nets and carts." he answers. I peek at them and see that it was Haru who looked very tired. "Are you sure Haru?" We could get someone to help out." The other offers. "No I'll be fine." he answers. Without knowing what I was doing, I walked over and offered to help. "Yuki?" asks Haru. "Who might you be miss?" the other asks. "I'm the one of the managers from Karasuno." I answer. "Yuki are you sure? I'd much rather you go to sleep." Haru says. "It's fine, I took a nap on the bus." I answered. Haru smiles and tells the other that I'll help him out. He agrees and leaves. The two of us stand there beside one another. Haru looks at me and smiles once more. "I see you're still wearing my jacket." he laughs as he playfully tugs the red collar. "Oh I didn't notice, I'll give it back." I say as I start to slide my arms out. Haru stops me and tells me that we'll be walking out to the gymnasium. I nod and put it back on.

We walk towards the doors and outside. As we walk in the cold night, I can tell that Haru notices that I'm still cold. "Are you still cold?" he asks me. "Yeah, but only my hands.." I said as I breathed into my hands.  It's so embarrassing for me to still be cold. "T-then how about I hold your hand till we get there. It'll warm up your hand. And I mean if you want to that is." he stutters. I looks at him and ask if he's sure because my hands are really cold. He nods with his face turning a light pink as our hands move closer and intertwine. His hand felt warm but something didn't feel right about this. I still felt...cold somehow. As we walked I saw some other players from Nekoma see us and walk off.

*Garrett's pov*
As other guys arrive in the room that's already filled with others, I hear someone telling their friends that their captain was making a move on karasuno's manager as they walked to the gym. I motion over Calris. Calris and I decide to eavesdrop on their conversation.
"No way, who's the unlucky girl!" one jokes. "It's that short one who has red hair and one white stand." another one answers. Calris and I knew it was Yuki. Calris started marching off, but I hold him back as the guys were still talking.
"Yeah and guess what we saw them doing." one says. I felt my heart sink at that. 
"What?" asks another.
"He was holding her hand and she had his jacket on!" he laughed. I sighed in relief but then looked at Calris. He looked angry at what we had heard. Then he ran off to find them. I followed to make sure he doesn't do anything he'll regret...

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