Chapter 17 - Sick Day

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*Yuki's pov*
"Yuki... Yuki..." I heard my name called.
"Yuki... Yuki..." I heard again and I woke up.

My eyes fluttered open and I saw Naomi.

"Naomi?" I yawned.
"Hey are you okay?" She asked me and I sat up.
"Yeah, why?"
"Well you're sweating an awful lot. Do you feel okay?" She asked as she placed her hand on my forehead.
I took a moment to check myself.
"To be honest I did feel a bit drained and had a small headache. And I feel really hot in here." I said as I threw off the blanket.
"Oh Yuki you might be having a fever. Lay down, I'll be right back." She said and I did as she said. I looked around and saw that there was nobody else here. What time was it?

I grabbed my phone and checked the time.
7:23 am.
I was supposed to be up almost half an hour ago! I put my phone away as my head pounded.
Then last night played in my head. How Calris had asked me out and kissed me. I couldn't help but smile at the fact that we were together now. Then reality kicked in, Naomi and our administrator walked in.
"Good morning." I greeted them. They did the same and walked over to me.
He checked my temperature and then there was a sigh.
"Yuki I'm afraid you have a small fever for now. We're going to have you relax here until you're all better. We'll bring your meals so you won't get any worse trying to move around." He said as he patted my head.
I nodded in agreement and the admin left.
"Hey Yuki try not to do a lot okay, we don't want you to get any worse." Naomi smiled.
"I won't, but what can I do?" I asked.
"Hm well it'd be best to sleep and just rest."
I pouted because I didn't just want to sleep all day long.
"Okay okay just rest for a bit. If you're better by lunch then I'll ask if you can come on the courts okay?" She said.
"Okay." I mumbled and laid back down.
"Good now rest. I'll tell everyone you're resting." She said as she walked away. Then I realized.


I hope he's okay with me not being out there.  He said he liked me being there with him and I liked being with him. My heart ached at the thought of not getting to see him. I sighed as I fumbled with my blanket. I was hot when I was covered, but then cold when I took it off.

When I finally got comfy I heard the door slide open.

*Calris's pov*
*7:17 am*
I was the last to wake up out of everyone. Garrett woke me up and everyone went to change. All I could think about was when I could see her. She wasn't making breakfast this time, so she could eat with us! My heart fluttered when I thought about it. Especially how we were dating now.
"Administrator! We have a small situation." I heard Naomi say outside.
"What's the problem Naomi?" He asked.
"Um Yuki isn't looking to well. I was wondering if you could check on her. I think she's starting to run a fever." I heard her say.

Yuki's not feeling okay? Is she in pain? How long has she been feeling sick?
Tons of questions flooded my head. I couldn't stop worrying about her. Quickly, I changed and stood next to the door to the girls room. All the other guys either were still changing or started to walk to the dining hall.

"Calris what are you doing?" I heard someone ask. I turned my head to see Garrett.
"I overheard Naomi saying that Yuki wasn't feeling too well." I said and he smiled.
"I don't think I've ever seen you so considerate." He cooed.
"That's a lie, I've been considerate before!" I said.
"Uh huh sure, we'll just don't wait too long. We still have a camp to get through." He patted my shoulder and left.
After a couple of minutes the admin walked out.
"Excuse me," I said grabbing his attention.
"Yes?" he answered.
"Um I just wanted to ask if Yuki's okay?"
"Oh well she's okay, just a small fever. We're going to keep her here to rest for now."
A fever? She seemed completely fine yesterday.
"Oh thank you," I said and he left.
I was about to decide to walk in when Naomi stepped out.
"Hey is she okay?" I asked trying to peer inside.
"Hey and yeah. We're just going to let her rest until she's in a batter condition." She answered and closed the door.
"Oh..., she's not in any pain or anything right?" I asked.
"No but she did say she was drained and had a headache."
Poor Yuki.
It was quiet then Naomi told me I could go inside and see her. Nobody else was in there.
I thanked her and she walked off. I opened the door and saw her in her bed. Her head perked up and she saw me.
"Hey.., I heard you weren't feeling too well Shorty." I said as I walked over to her. A small smile appeared on her face.
"Yeah, but it's just a small fever so I'll be fine.  They just me to rest for now."
I sat down beside her.
"Well that's good. I want you to rest."
"But that's boring. They just want me to basically sleep all day." She sighed.
I lifted an eyebrow at her. Anyone would love to sleep all day. I know I would.
"Okay I mean it's great, but it's a little boring when you're not that tired." She said.
"Yeah I know but I mean I'd rather you be bored then get worse." I said and she turned pink.
"I guess you're right..." she said and slumped her head on the pillow.

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