Chapter 9 - Vending Machine Talk

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*third person pov*
In the morning the coaches, administrators and the girls wake up a earlier than the boys to make breakfast and prepare for the day. There was 2 managers from Fukurodani, 2 from Johenzi, 2 from Karasuno, and none from Nekoma. All the girls were given a t-shirt and shorts for the camp. Everyone changed and headed to the kitchen to prepare the food. Then later all the boys woke up and dressed in their schools practice uniform and headed to the kitchen also to eat.

*Calris's pov*
On the way over to eat, I caught Yuki walking out of the bathroom with a white shirt, the school team jacket and black shorts on. I called out her name and she turned around. "Good morning Calris." she said to me. "Morning." I answered and yawned. "You're still sleepy?" she asked. "A bit, but it's probably cause i'm hungry." I said pushing my hair back. "We'll go sit down we're about to eat actually." she said. I turn and start walking, but I don't hear footsteps following. I then turn back to her. "Aren't you going to sit down too?" I ask her. "Yeah but in a bit, I have to help serve," she says. I sigh in disappointment and say that I'll save her a spot. She thanks me and leaves back to the kitchen. Great morning..

I go to the table where Garrett and the rest of his team are sitting. I sit at the end of the table and Garrett sits across from me. "Hey Calris have you seen Yuki yet? I haven't seen her." Garrett asks.
"I just saw her." I answer.
"Really? Do you know if she's going to eat with us?" He asks.
"Yeah she is, but she just has to help serve the food then she'll join us." Garrett's face turns a little disappointed. And honestly I am too. "Okay everyone please line up for breakfast!" One manager says as she points to where the line starts. Everyone gets up and walks into a line.

The line starts to move as they start getting their food. "Woah Calris the food looks so good! What do you think Yuki made?" Garrett asks. I look at the food. There are small parfaits, omelets, waffles and toast. When the guy in front goes next the two boys realize it's Yuki who's asking everyone what they'd like for the main dish.
"Hi what would you like to eat?" She happily asks.
"What did you make cutie?" he asks her.
"I made the omelets." she answers.
"I'll have the omelet then!" he says. She smiles and hands him a plate with an omelet. When Garrett is greeted by her she smiles.
"Hey Garrett what would you like to eat?" she asks him.
"I want the waffles!" he says and she hands him a plate with two waffles. He thanks her and moves along. It was my turn now.
"Hi Calris, what would you like?" She asks me. "The omelet.." I say and I'm handed the plate. She smiles and I move down to the sides.
"Hi would you like any sides?" I look back at Yuki and the she still has to get through. Then my eyes met hers and she smiles. I smile back and then the lady who was talking to me "Excuse me?"  She asks.
"Oh uh I'll take a parfait and a slice of toast please." I answer turning my head back. I thank her and sit down at the table with Garrett. I look at the food then back at Yuki who still had a couple more people to get through. I sigh.
"What's wrong?" Garrett asks me. Shocked I turn back around.
"Calris are you okay?" he asks once more. "Yeah I'm fine, I'm just used to her eating with us you know." I say as I cut into the omelet and take a bite. It was so good. Everything was balanced out so well that it tasted as if it was from heaven itself. Who knew Yuki was such a good cook. Hooked on the food I began to take more bites. Then someone from Fukurodani stood up and ran to Yuki.
"This omelet is amazing! I've never tasted anything this good! Can I have another one?" He asked. Another stood up and asked for a second one too. Then another.
"Uh I'm sorry we wouldn't have enough for seconds." she said to the boys. Defeated they sat back down to finish their sides.
"Hey can I have a bite Calris?" Garrett asked looking at the omelet.
"No it's mine." I said taking another bite. "Please!" he begged. I shook my head.
"Just a small bite!" he said.
"You should've gotten it." I said.
"Awe c'mon man just one piece!" he pleaded. "Nope it's all mine." I said taking a bite of it again.
"Hmph!" Garrett said as he ate his waffles.

After a little while Yuki came out with food and sat next to me. I look at her plate and it has and omelet and two parfaits. Garrett perked his head up.
"Hey Yuki can I have a bite of your omelet, Calris refuses to give me a piece." Garrett asks her.
"Yeah sure." she said as she got a piece and was about to feed it to him.
"Here you-" she was cut off by me sticking my fork in Garrett's mouth, giving him my last piece. Garrett ate the piece and lit up.
"Wow this is really good Yuki!" Garrett said happily. She thanked him and began eating.

After a small while of silence I asks her if she's always going to have to cook and eat later then the boys. "No I won't, everyone got schedules for when it's their turn to cook. There are two girls for every meal, so today I got breakfast. Tomorrow I get lunch and so on." she explained.
"Oh that's good because Calris was sulking over here when your weren't here~" teased Garrett. I turned red.
"I was not! We just eat together all the time at school so it was weird!" I said flustered. She laughed and so did Garrett.
"I'm gonna go get a drink." I said and walked off.

I walked over to a vending machine by the bathroom and scanned the choices. I put in some change and pushed the button for strawberry lemonade. There was a thump and a creak when I reached for my drink.
"Hey why'd you leave like that?" I heard someone ask. I looked up and saw Garrett.
"I wanted a drink." I replied as I cracked open the top and sipped.
"Are you sure it was that or the fact that you were all shy around Yuki just now?" he cooed.
I choked a bit. 
"W-What are you talking a-about!?" I stuttered.
"Dude it's obvious that you like her. Don't think that you're fooling anyone." Garrett said folding his arms and leaning against the vending machine.
"Pshh that's absurd Garrett, I mean me and her? That can never happen.." I answered. Garrett lifted an eyebrow at me.
"Right?" I added and Garrett smirks. He then walks next to me and pats my back.
"Don't worry bro, I'll be your wingman." Garrett says as we walked back to the table.
I then got a feeling of fear of him being my

When we arrived at the table, Yuki smiles. We take our seats and we take notice that she is almost done with her second parfait.
"So Yuki how's your love life coming along?" Garrett casually asks. She coughs a bit and I facepalm myself. Way to just casually ask. We both had pink dusted onto our faces.
"Um well I guess it's okay." she said blushing. "Oh so anyone in mind maybe?" he asked. "
I uh... I'm not sure.. maybe." she said taking another bite and my eyes widened a bit. Garrett smirked,
"Any hints towards this guy perhaps Yuki?"  "Uh he's a... um... a n-nice guy and caring.." she stuttered and blushed harder. I looked at Garrett with a blushed face and a half excited and half confused expression. Garrett was about to ask another question, but the coaches got everyone's attention.
"Good morning everyone and welcome to training camp. We're all glad to have Nekoma, hosting the event this year. I want to explain our schedule for the next two weeks.  Every weekday we will wake up early and have breakfast made by the girls. After we eat we'll all head over to the courts. The practices will be all day with breaks for lunch. Later is dinner then we head to sleep. On the weekends you're free to relax. With all that being said let's head over to the courts and warm up! We've got an exciting day planned!" He Announced and everyone cheered. With that all said, Garrett and I got up.
"Sorry we gotta leave Yuki, sucks that we will barely got to talk." apologized Garrett as he stood up.
"It's alright Garrett. I'll see you guys in a bit, just gotta wash up and I'll head over." She said as she also stood up gathering any leftover trash.
"Okay we'll see you later Yuki!" Garrett smiled as he stepped away.
"Bye shorty see you in a bit." I said giving her a genuine smile. She smiled back and wished us luck.

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