Chapter 10 - Reunited

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*Yuki's pov*
"Hey Yuki I'll wash these you can head over and help with practices." Naomi said.
"Are you sure? I can do them." I said.
"It's fine and besides, we should have at least one manager out there." She smiled. I nodded and ran out to the courts. As I turned a corner I bumped into someone. I rubbed my head and stepped back.
"Woah are you okay?" The person asked me. I looked at who it was and I felt my heart stop. It was a player from one of the other teams. He was tall, had pure white hair that was parted to the side, the sides shaved. He was wearing his schools jacket and holding water bottles.
"K-Katsuki?" I asked stunned. His ruby colored eyes widened.
"Yuki?" He asked just as equally stunned.
"Is it really you?" He gasped.
"It's really me." I said. His eyes beamed with joy as he lifted me up and spun around, the bottles dropping in the concrete.
"I can't believe it's really you! I've missed you so much!" He laughed.
"I've missed you too Katsuki!" He set me down and grabbed my shoulders. Looking at me smiling.
"Hey you've gotten taller!" He said.
"And so have you. How long has it been?"
"Hm maybe a year."
"A year? It's been that long? Since 9th grade?"
"Yeah I still remember the day you left and our promise of course." He said winking

*Age 14*
"Hey Katsuki I have to tell you something." I said as I messed with the hem of my skirt.
"What is it?" He answered.
"I-I'm moving..."
"Moving houses...?" He asked. I could hear the heartbreak in his voice. I looked at him with my eyes lined with tears.
I shook my head.
"I'm moving. Out of Tokyo."
His eyes widened and I couldn't bear to see him like that.
"Forever?" He asked. I could hear the shake in his quiet voice. I nodded.
"Yuki y-you can't.." he said the tears welling up in his eyes too. I attempted to hold back the threatening tears.
"I have to Katsuki. I already tried to find another way. I have to leave Tokyo."
"But what about us? What about the team? What about me?" He asked as a tear slid down his cheek. I bit my lip.
"The team will still be apart of me. I'll never forget the fun times you've given to me. I-I just hope you guys won't forget me." I said as the tears flowed out. His brows furrowed as he saw me cry. Then he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly.
"Yuki...I would never forget you. You're my best friend in this whole entire world. I could never forget the person who made my life so much more better." He whispered in my ear.
I gripped his shirt and cried. He patted my back as I wept in his arms. I didn't want to leave...
After a while he broke the hug and looked into my red, wet eyes. He gave a faint smile and wiped my cheeks. I gave a small smile back.
"When are you leaving?" He asked me as he scooted closer to me.
"This Saturday.."
"Well then we still have 3 days together. How about we make them last." He said wrapping his arms around me. I smiled.

*time skip- Saturday afternoon*
"Yuki were almost done, then we'll head off okay." My mom said patting my head.
"Okay mom..." I answered as I looked up and down the street. I looked down at my fingers and messed with my sleeve until I heard someone shout.


I quickly looked up and saw him running down the street with a pink bag. Katsuki! I ran off towards him.

"Katsuki!" I shouted and I ran faster.

When we got close he lifted me up into the air, hugging me tightly. I hugged him back. I sniffles as I tried to hold back my tears. He then set me down and looked into my eyes. His ruby eyes. I smiled and tears slipped out. He gave me a smile and lifted me on him. I wrapped my legs around him and my arms around his neck. I felt him rub my back as he carried me back to the house.

When we got back to the house he set my down and I wiped my face. He looked into my eyes. I looked into his. The ruby eyes that I had grown up with. The ruby eyes that comforted me. The ruby eyes that...
cared for me.
"Yuki I'm sorry I got here late. I had to stop by the school for this."He said lifting up the pink bag and handing it too me. I carefully took it and we both sat down on the wooden swing that we loved.
"I can open it now?" I asked.
"Course you can! I didn't run around half of Tokyo to not see your reaction!" He teased. I laughed and removed the tissue paper that filled the bag. When I saw what was in there I couldn't believe it.
"Katsuki..." I said tears welling up again as I pulled out a white, yellow and black volleyball. I rolled it around in my hands as I saw writing over it.
"Everyone signed it. Even the coaches and managers." I couldn't help but cry at the gift.
"Thank you Katsuki... for everything." I said pulling him into a hug.
"You don't need to thank me... now how about you read some of what the members said. I didn't get to read any." He smiled. I smiled back and turned to the volleyball.
As we read what the members wrote down I noticed that I didn't see anything from Katsuki.
"Katsuki I don't see yours anywhere." I said.
"I know. It's because I didn't write anything."
"Why not?"
"Because I got something better." He said pulling out a wrapped gift from his pocket. How'd I not see that?
"I'm surprised you didn't see it." He laughed.
"Me too." I laughed back.
"Well here. I wanted to make my gift more special so I made this for you." He said handing me the gift and I held it in my hands.
I tore off the paper and flipped it over as i had opened it upside down. I gasped and put my hand over my mouth. It was a wooden frame with a owl sticker on the corner. In the frame was a picture of him and I on our first day of high school. We were standing in front of a cherry blossom tree and a blue sky behind us.
I looked at the corner and there was something written.

'I'll Never Forget You, Yuki."

I rubbed my thumb against the side, admiring the photo.
"Thank you Katsuki it's beautif-"
"My part isn't done yet." He said holding a finger up against my lips, telling me to be quiet. I nodded as for him to continue.
"I wanted to make a promise with you."
He removed his finger and continued.
"I want you to promise to be happy. I want you to promise to keep being yourself. To have fun... and when we meet again. We'll have a match. And you'll be my setter. We'll play together again okay. Can you promise me that?" I looked into his eyes and smiled.
"Can I add something to the promise?"
"Okay well I want you to promise to keep playing volleyball for me. To become the ace by the next time we meet. To be yourself. To make more friends when I'm not here. And when we meet again I'll set for you. But only if you're an ace."  I smiled as I lifted up my hand and stuck out my pinky.
"Then don't be surprised when you see me all built because I'll be the Ace by then. For my setter." He said as he stuck out his hand and pinky.

"I promise." We both said and wrapped our finger around each other's...

*flashback end*

"Our promise! That's right!" I said.
"You do remember right?" He asked.
"Course I do! It was to be ourselves and-"
"Not that part, the last part."
I smiled.
"We'll have a match. I'll be your setter if you were the ace by the next time we met."
"Well guess who's one of the ace's~" He cooed
"I wonder who that could be. I don't see you as built as I remember you telling me." I teased.
"Oh I'm built, you just can't see it cause I'm covered up."
"Oh jeez." I laughed.
"Well when should we do our match?"
"I don't know I mean this is a training camp."
"Yeah well about the weekend? We're all off."
"That sounds go-"
"Katsuki! We need the bottles! What's taking you so-" I heard someone shout.
"Yuki!?" He asked. I squinted and knew who it was. Maku.
"Maku!" I Shouted. He walked over and I saw Katsuki pick up the bottles from the floor.
"You're here!? But how!?" He asked.
"I'm one if the managers for Karasuno."
"Oh! Well we gotta show the team! The'll be ecstatic to hear you're here!"
"Yeah Yuki! Everyone is gonna be so happy! Does the coach know you're here?" Katsuki Asked.
"I don't think so, but I'd love to see everyone!"
"Great!" The guys said.
"Hold on let me just check on my team really quick. I can't slack off." I said.
"Okay! Just meet us here when you're done. Katsuki still has water bottles to fill." Maku said. I nodded and lightly jogged off to the courts...

Okay I just wanted to say that from this point and before I had already written it all out. Before I was just editing and adding. Now I'll have to take time to plan out the rest of the story's events. Which also means updates will be less frequent. But I am trying to make them long chapters so it's better. I am adding in things to help progress the 'ships' a bit more. Anywayyys that what I came to say so, onwards with the story!


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