Chapter 4 - Tennis & Volleyball

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*Calris's pov*
Once practice was finished, it turns out that Yuki walks the same route as Garrett and I. We walk together and laugh and talk the whole way. This day just keeps getting better and better.  We walk home together for the first couple of days except when one day Yuki says she's going to stay for tennis practice. Garrett explained that he can't stay because his mom was expecting him so I decided to join her. On the way to the courts I decide to start a conversation with her. "What got you into tennis?" A smile crept up on her face.
"Well it all started when I was younger..."

~age 5~
"Momma what's this?" I said picking up a weird thingy off of the floor.
"That's a racket baby. It's used in tennis."
"Yes, But you know you can't play it."
"Why not Momma?"
"Because it's a sport baby. We mustn't put your life in danger. Do you understand?"
I looked back at the racket.
"But what if I just played for fun?"
I saw my Momma look at me and I gave her a smile. She sighed.
"Only for fun okay. I don't want you to get hurt."

~time skip. Age 10~
"Honey only a little longer okay! We have to get going soon."
"Okay mom!" I shouted as I gripped my racket. My feet on the court. I breathed and the ball shot out. I reacted and hit it back exactly where I wanted it to. I smiled in satisfaction. I did it again. And again. Again. "Excuse me ma'm is that your daughter?" I heard someone ask my mom. "Yes, But who's asking?"
"Oh I'm a coach for the local tennis team and I just wanted to mention how great of a player your daughter is. Have you ever considered a team for her?"
I felt my heart sink. I hated when people did this. It made it harder on us. Especially me.
"No and she won't so please leave us be."
"Oh of course. Enjoy your evening ma'm."
I walked to the ball shooter and turned it off. Dragging my feet along the floor, I grabbed my bag and walked to my mom who was sitting on the bench waiting.
"Let's go mom."
*flashback end*

"Oh so you lived it before you knew what it was?" I asked her.
"Basically. It was hard to not play for a team but I was just happy I got to play at all."
"That's good... Uh that it's good that your happy! Not that it's good that you didn't get to be on a team!" I stammered. She laughed.
"It's okay I know what you meant." I smiled and it was quiet.
"So how did you get hooked on volleyball?" She asked me.
"Well you'd be surprised, but I hated it when I was younger." I laughed.
"Whaaaat?" She laughed back.
"It's true, the person who got me into it was probably Garrett."
"Garrett? How?"
"Ah I remember it like yesterday..."

~Age 7~
"Hey Calris do you know what volleyball is?"
Garrett asked me as I read my book on the porch.
"Yeah but it looks boring!"
"What? Why do you say that?"
"Cuz! Who wants to hit a ball over a net and get hit by one on your arms!"
"Have you ever tried it Calris?"
"No and I don't want to!"
"Please~ Lets try it out! Me and you!" He begged as he put his hands together.
I looked at Garrett and his puppy eyes.
"Fine but I won't enjoy it Garrett."
He cheered and I smiled.

~time skip. Age 11~
"C'mon Calris! The club should be in this gym!" Garrett said as we ran to the gym that held the boys volleyball club. He opened the door which revealed other guys. "Hello, How May I help you two boys out?" Asked a man. Maybe the coach. "Uh we'd like to join the boys volleyball team sir!" We said. "Well you've come to the right place! What's your names and positions?"
"My name Garrett and I'm a setter sir!"
"My name is Calris and I'm a spiker, sir."
"Well welcome to the club you two. We're glad to have you two here!" The guy said.
I felt uncomfortable as we were shown around. It felt as if I didn't belong here.
"How about we have a quick match to see your skills!" The guy said. I'm pretty sure he's the coach. "Yes sir!" Garrett said.

"Calris!" Shouted Garrett and he pushed the ball to me and I leapt into the air. I did it like usual but something was different this time. It was like it was slow motion. I saw the other side of the court, through the blockers and slammed the ball down with a loud THWAP! It was quiet then everyone started cheering for me. It felt like it had clicked in me. Volleyball was amazing. It wasn't dumb or boring like when I was younger. It was exhilarating and exciting...

*flashback end*

"After that I've played volleyball all the time. Well Garrett and I."
"Awe that's cute. You've been friends with Garrett for how long?"
"Well let's see... we've known each other since we were 3 and now we're 14 so 9 years."
"Wow that's amazing! No wonder you two are always together!" She smiled.
"Yeah it's kinda like habit. We've been together so we stay together."
"That's really cool. I think the longest friend I've had was around maybe 4 years."
"That's awesome I bet you two are good friends."
"Yeah." She trailed off and I realized that we had arrived at the tennis courts.
"We're here already?"
"Yup now come on, I've only got an hour." She said opening the gate. She makes it sound as if we're breaking in...

Hey, so next couple of chapters will be posted later because I'm really tired so please enjoy this one. Sorry for incorrect spellings. I'm like half asleep right now.'-'.oO


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