Chapter 19 - Results

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*Third person pov*
The rest of the next couple of weeks the team team trained and practiced hard to make it to nationals.

When it did come around, they blasted through their matches easily. They were the best team out there and they felt proud. At the last match the game went back and forth with the final point to win.

Finally Karasuno scores the last point. The last set was Garrett as setter and Calris as spiker. After they recorded their awards, everyone went to the bench. The coach gave a speech of how proud he was of the team. They all cheered and Yuki ran to hug Calris. As she was just as ecstatic.

He picked her up and hugged her as tightly as he could. His heart was beating fast at how happy he was.

The team was heading to Nationals.


After the team won at Nationals, it was time for the third years to leave.

Otsuki and Naomi were the hardest to say goodbye too.

After all they did give Calris and Yuki the push they needed.

Otsuki gave his final speech as captain and Naomi hugged Yuki and told her to find another manager who was just as cute as Yuki.


*two years later, all first years are third years*
*Yuki's pov*

It was the first day of school again. My last year here. I breathed in, then out as I stood outside greeting and introducing the club to any interested first years. This was the year I finally find someone to take over as manager when I'm gone.

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