Chapter 18 -Special Surprise Vist

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*Yuki's pov*
It was the last day of the training camp I thought as I filled up the bottles with water. The team has been doing good the whole trip. We have more wins than our losses which is great in a way. I'm really proud of all of them for working had these past weeks.

"Yuki! Do you have any bottles done yet?" I heard Naomi shout.

"Yeah I'll bring them right over!" I called, twisted on a cap and brought them over to her.

"Thank you." She said and started handing them out.

Everyone really was giving it their best here.

"Hey Yuki guess what I heard." Naomi whispered.

"What?" I asked.

"I accidentally over heard the coaches and they said that we're going to have a barbecue at the end of the matches today!" She excitedly said.

"A barbecue!? That sounds good!" I whispered back and my mouth started to water.

"I know right! It's going to be great!" She smiled and I smiled back.

Oh I can't wait for the end of the day now!



"Huddle up everyone!" The coach shouted as we had just won against Fukurodani. Everyone gathered around the coach and Naomi and I handed out bottles to the sweaty boys.

"Okay I want to say that you guys played great all these past days. I'm proud of how far you all have come as not only an individual, but as a team. And in return for all your hard work we're having the rest of the day off and a barbecue!" He laughed and everyone cheered. We were probably the loudest ones. And to be honest, I shouted a bit too.


At the barbecue everyone was talking and messing around. I talked with all the other managers and stole a bit of Calris's food too. I also caught up with Katsuki and Maku. I had a blast at the camp. So many things happened that I never believed would happen. Like Calris confessing...


*8:31 pm*

"Bye bye everyone!" I shouted as I waved to all the other teams. They waved back and we all loaded into the bus. It was the same seating arrangement like before. When we left I became sleepy and leaned my head on Calris's shoulder. This time he didn't tense up. He just wrapped his arm around me. Then I felt Garrett lean his head on me. I didn't mind though because it felt nice. I felt so happy to be apart of this team. Apart of this Family...


*Calris's pov*
I woke up as soon as we pulled into the school. I decided to wake them up since we're already here.
"Shorty...Garrett." I said as I lightly shook them both. After a small while the woke up.
"We're here at the school. It's time to go home." I said as I patted down some stray hairs from Yuki's hair. They both yawned and stretched at the same time. I got a chill at that for some reason.

When they finally got up we got outside and everyone was free to go home and rest for the weekend. I don't think I'd ever been happier that Yuki was half asleep because as we, Garrett, Yuki and I, were walking to our houses she randomly held my hand. I mean I'm not complaining it was cute, but it was funny too because she wasn't really thinking. I smiled and squeezed her hand. I'm glad I confessed... 

I had offered to walk Yuki to her house and on the way I noticed she was really falling asleep while walking. I stopped short.
"Hey Shorty get on my back, you're falling asleep." I said as I pointed to my back.
Surprisingly she didn't answer, just hopped on. I carried her and I's bags the rest of the way.
A little while past when she spoke.
"Hey Calris." She yawned.
"Yeah Shorty." I replied.

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