Chapter 5 - Team Announcement

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*Calris's pov*
When on the court she hits tennis balls as I sat along the chained link fence and worked on my homework. I tapped my pencil against my wrist, trying to figure out the problem. Then Yuki walks over to me. I guess she saw me struggling. Great now I look dumb. She bends down beside me and wobbles a bit. I look over at her concerned that if she's working too hard. "You're doing this part wrong. You have to multiply first." She explains. I feel even more dumb. "Oh thanks... math isn't my strong suit." I said. "It's okay. I don't mind if you ever need help." She said smiling. I smile and nod. Then when she pushes up on her feet she falls on top of me. Stunned, we stay there surprised for a few seconds when I turn my face in to a smirk. She blushes. "You know shorty if you wanted me you could've asked" I sneered. She turned a deep red and immediately got off of me. She walked away, gripped her racket and started smashing down the tennis balls across the court, clearly embarrassed. I liked seeing her embarrassed. It was cute.

*Yuki's pov*
"Hi Yuki. I hope you've had a good day so far." Naomi greeted. I looked at her.
"Yes I've had a good day. I hope you've had one as well."
"I've had a good day too. Excited for practice today?"
"Always, But is something happening today?"
"As the third year manager, Yes I know what is happening today." She smirked.
"Oh then should I gather everyone up for an announcement?"
"If you could please, I'm going to talk with the coach. Sit them here."
"Okay I'll start gathering them."
We exchanged smiles and I headed to the court where the team was stretching and some chatting.
"Excuse me guys!" I said grabbing their attention. They all looked at me.
"We're going to have a team announcement so if you all could sit over here we could get started." I said smiling. They all walked over with curious faces. "What's going on?" I heard someone ask. I turned and saw Garrett.
"The coach is going to announce something."
"Do you know what it is?" Calris joined.
I shook my head. "Naomi just told me that we were going to announce something."
"Oh well how about we go over there and see what it is." Garrett smiled. I smiled back and we walked over.

"Okay is everyone here?" Naomi asked.
"Yes, the whole team." I replied.
"Nice job Yuki, you're going to be a great manager for this team when I'm not here."
"Thank you It's because you taught me."
"Hehe well I guess I'm a good teacher."
"Okay everyone quiet down! We have an important announcement!" The coach said and everyone went silent.
"So as you all know, we had won our first practice match against Aoba Johsai."
Aoba Johsai? They must've went against them before I was manager because I dont remember it.
"Well the coach from Nekoma saw our game and invited us to their annual training camp for two weeks."
There was cheers and whoops. A training camp! How exciting!
"Naomi will pass out permission slips. We will be leaving next Saturday bright and early."
I saw Naomi passing out the slips of paper.
"Here you go Yuki."
"Thank you Naomi."
I took the paper into my hands and looked at it. A team trip. How are they usually like?
"Now everyone I have another surprise as well." The coach added. Another surprise?
Everyone perked their heads in curiosity.
"No practice today. I'll let you all have one free practice. One." He said crossing his arm.
Everyone was ecstatic. "Thanks coach!" Some players said. I couldn't help but smile. It felt like we were all a huge family. "Hey Guys let's play some hangman!" One suggested. "Awe Yeah count me in!" Another answered. "Yuki do you want to play too?" Someone asked me. I looked and saw one of our third year players, Otsuki. "I think I will. Will you be playing as well?"
"Maybe... hey can I ask you a question?"
"Yeah what's up?" He suddenly turned serious.
"What's this club to you?"
I was stunned but then I smiled.
"Well at first it was a way to hang out with Calris and Garrett more to be honest. Then as I met everyone it was a great thing to look forward to. And it's like we're all one big family and I love being apart of it. Helping you guys out. Supporting you guys. Cheering you on. Makes me feel happy."
He smiled and patted my back.
"You're going to be a good manager Yuki. Now how about we go play." He smiled.
I smiled and nodded.

*One week later, Wednesday*
"Hey do you guys know where the camp is at?" I asked as I ate my yogurt.
"Wait you mean you don't know? It's been a week." Garrett asked.
"If I knew I wouldn't be asking." I mumbled.
"It said it on the permission slip. Didn't you read it all?" Calris asked.
"Uhh... I sorta just skimmed through it and gave it to my mom."
"Wow well it's at Tokyo." Calris answered.
"T-Tokyo?" I stuttered.
"Yeah! It's gonna be great!" Garrett cheered.
"Y-Yeah it's gonna be greaaat!" I said acting to be excited.
"What's wrong?" Calris Asked.
"Um well let's just say I don't have the best memories over there." I said messing with my fingers.
"In Tokyo? When did you go there?" Garrett asked.
"I used to live there before I moved here." I said.
"Wait you used to live in Tokyo? That sounds cool!" Garrett smiled.
"It was cool yeah but it's where...stuff happened." I said. It got quiet. Their faces looked a little sad.
"S-Sorry I didn't mean to mess up the mood. It'll be different this time though. I'll be with the team and have fun!" I smiled. They looked at me and smiled back.
"Yeah! Just a couple more days and we're in Tokyo!" Garrett laughed. I laughed as well.
"I can't wait!"

Yay! Is almost time for their trip! Will the trip ruin relationships? Bring people together? New characters? New love rivals? Hmmm~


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